BF Skinner knew. He called that training process "shaping." Littlerewards, step by step, like links in a chain. In WoW you decide youwant the super cool Tier 10 armor. You need five separate pieces. Toget the full set, you need more than 400 Frost Emblems, which areearned a couple at a time, from certain enemies. Then you need toupgrade each piece of armor with Marks of Sanctification. Then againwith Heroic Marks of Sanctification. To get all that you must re-runrepetitive missions and sit, clicking your mouse, for days and days anddays. Boobies be damned.
BF Skinner管这种过程叫“塑形”。用小奖励,一步一步,一环扣一环地把你控制住。
Once it gets to that point, can you even call that activity a"game" anymore? It's more like scratching a rash. And it gets worse...
一旦你明白了,你还管这些叫"游戏"吗? 这更像是挠蚊子包,越挠越痒.并且还变的更恶劣了....