1. You will be lucky if you can count your true, loyal friends on one hand, and two of those will always be your parents. -- Patrick Maguire 1. 幸运的你拥有真切忠诚的朋友,其中两个就是你的父母。
3. Be so strong that no one can disturb your peace of mind, be too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble. -- Rafi Ud Din Shamas 3. 要坚定不移,不让任何人搅乱的思绪。高贵地不愠不火,坚强地无所畏惧,开心地无忧无虑。
5. Save your money. Don't be frivolous. Long term benefits always supersede short term satisfaction. -- Jenny Sondag Heddens 5.勤俭节约,好好存钱。长久的利益胜过一时的满足感。
7. Always shake with a firm handshake. I cannot tell you how many times I have shaken someone's hand firmly only for them to reciprocate. It shows confidence! -- Heather Hernandez 7. 跟人握手要握紧。每次握紧别人的手,别人也会握紧你的。这是自信的体现。