最近妖八出现电源关闭后无法开机 要重复拔电池才可以, 本屌丝想刷个简洁的ROM看下是否能好,
没想到刷了个内核就无限重启了, 试了好多位大神的教程强刷回2.3.4也不可以, 手机连接出现qhsusb-dload驱动,
我也在别的论坛里找到个XP的qhsusb-dload驱动安装好了, 却还是依然不行, 求助各位大神啊,
真的好着急,求求各位支援,如果可以的话能企鹅联系最好,企鹅号 114010080 坐等大神!!!
21/044/2012 11:44:56 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
21/044/2012 11:44:58 - INFO - Device disconnected
21/046/2012 11:46:16 - INFO - Selected lt18i_62.ftf
21/046/2012 11:46:16 - INFO - Preparing files for flashing
21/046/2012 11:46:19 - INFO - Please connect your device into flashmode.
21/047/2012 11:47:28 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
21/047/2012 11:47:28 - INFO - Opening device for R/W
21/047/2012 11:47:28 - INFO - Reading device information
21/047/2012 11:47:28 - INFO - Phone ready for flashmode operations.
21/047/2012 11:47:28 - INFO - Start Flashing
21/047/2012 11:47:28 - INFO - Flashing loader
21/047/2012 11:47:33 - INFO - Loader : S1_Loader_Root_773f - Version : R4A066 / Bootloader status : ROOTED
21/047/2012 11:47:33 - WARN - This file is ignored : simlock.ta
21/047/2012 11:47:33 - INFO - Flashing kernel.sin
21/047/2012 11:47:33 - INFO - Ending flash session
21/047/2012 11:47:33 - ERROR - ERR_SEVERITY="MAJOR";ERR_CLASS="SECURITY_CLASS";ERR_STATIC="SIN_HEAD_VER";ERR_DYNAMIC="Failed to verify sin header";
21/047/2012 11:47:34 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
以上是强刷出现的,本屌丝没上过几年的学,问了下度娘是说驱动没装好, ggsetup也已经装了, 还有什么驱动要装吗?
没想到刷了个内核就无限重启了, 试了好多位大神的教程强刷回2.3.4也不可以, 手机连接出现qhsusb-dload驱动,
我也在别的论坛里找到个XP的qhsusb-dload驱动安装好了, 却还是依然不行, 求助各位大神啊,
真的好着急,求求各位支援,如果可以的话能企鹅联系最好,企鹅号 114010080 坐等大神!!!
21/044/2012 11:44:56 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
21/044/2012 11:44:58 - INFO - Device disconnected
21/046/2012 11:46:16 - INFO - Selected lt18i_62.ftf
21/046/2012 11:46:16 - INFO - Preparing files for flashing
21/046/2012 11:46:19 - INFO - Please connect your device into flashmode.
21/047/2012 11:47:28 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
21/047/2012 11:47:28 - INFO - Opening device for R/W
21/047/2012 11:47:28 - INFO - Reading device information
21/047/2012 11:47:28 - INFO - Phone ready for flashmode operations.
21/047/2012 11:47:28 - INFO - Start Flashing
21/047/2012 11:47:28 - INFO - Flashing loader
21/047/2012 11:47:33 - INFO - Loader : S1_Loader_Root_773f - Version : R4A066 / Bootloader status : ROOTED
21/047/2012 11:47:33 - WARN - This file is ignored : simlock.ta
21/047/2012 11:47:33 - INFO - Flashing kernel.sin
21/047/2012 11:47:33 - INFO - Ending flash session
21/047/2012 11:47:33 - ERROR - ERR_SEVERITY="MAJOR";ERR_CLASS="SECURITY_CLASS";ERR_STATIC="SIN_HEAD_VER";ERR_DYNAMIC="Failed to verify sin header";
21/047/2012 11:47:34 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
以上是强刷出现的,本屌丝没上过几年的学,问了下度娘是说驱动没装好, ggsetup也已经装了, 还有什么驱动要装吗?