美国弱智动画吧 关注:10贴子:260
  • 8回复贴,共1
还记得儿时, 晚上回家,不洗手不脱鞋,连吃饭的时间都省去,抓紧做作业,整个人和难民的状态没啥两样。..为的就是能在每天的18:30看到cctv-6放的动画片《正义战士》,还有那句“神力无敌!” 正义战士与其他机甲类片最大的区别是:他变身后不是把整个盔甲覆盖全身(他们身上就是盔甲),而是Crystal Kane从宇宙战把一些不同机件传下去从而组成不同的型态。
百度百科 http://baike.baidu.com/view/763840.htm
土豆豆单 http://www.tudou.com/playlist/id/1994325

1楼2012-11-27 23:17回复

    2楼2012-11-27 23:17
      另外的一些介绍 http://www.youku.com/playlist_show/id_1192993.html
      英文名:The Centurions
      2。有四个主人公,三男一女,女的叫“克林斯托.凯恩”(音译)驾驶“天庭号”(音译),男主公叫 艾斯迈克劳德,捷克洛克韦尔,迈克斯瑞。海陆空三大主角
      《The Centurions》,1985-1987年制作并播出的美国动画,剧情、设定、创意还有画面等等都是相当一流——这里又要提到了,虽然创作单位是美国Ruby-Spears公司,但是整个的动画画面制作却全部外包给了日本Sunrise公司。所以当初我看的时候就很惊讶质量这么高的画面对于美国动画来说实在是太少见了。
      那个疯狂的博士原名叫Dr. Terror(原先是个完整的人,因为事故重伤,自己将自己改造,有一集是他回忆这个情节),他的助手则叫Hacker。博士还有一个女儿。
      正义一方里面,身着蓝、黄、绿色战斗服分别是Ace McCloud、Jake Rockwell、Max Ray,不过后来又增加了两位战士:Rex Charger(大胡子俄罗斯人),John Thunder(美国印第安人)。
      负责Sky Vault空间站的那位美女叫Crystal Kane,那只猩猩叫Lucy。
      那句“神力无敌”的口号原文是:Man and machine, Power Xtreme!

      6楼2012-11-27 23:21
        the Centurions (TV series)
        The Centurions (1985-1987) was a syndicated 30 minute science-fiction cartoon produced by Ruby Spears and animated in Japan by Sunrise. The series began in 1985 as a five-part miniseries and was followed in 1986/87 with a 60 episode series. There was also a line of tie-in toys made by Kenner and a comic produced by DC Comics.
        In the near future, an evil genius, the cyborg Doc Terror, seeks to conquer
        the earth; he is assisted by Hacker, the cyborg sidekick and an army of Doom Drones. There were two types of drones: Traumatizers, the most commonly seen drones, were walking robots with several guns, while the Strafer was a flying robot with a phallic main gun, and multiple other guns. Dr Terror and Hacker were able to fly by swapping their purely robot half for a Strafer drone missing one set of wings. They were joined on many occasions, starting with the first episode, by Doc Terror's daughter Amber.
        At each turn their evil plans are thwarted by the heroic Centurions. The
        Centurions are a team of men dressed in specially created exo-frames that
        allow them (upon shouting "Power Extreme") to fuse with 'incredible' assault weapon systems, becoming what the show calls man and machine, Power Xtreme! The end result is a weapons platform somewhere between a hard-suit and a mecha. Originally there were three Centurions:
        Max Ray - 'Brilliant' Sea Operations Commander
        Jake Rockwell - 'Rugged' Land Operations Specialist
        Ace McCloud - 'Daring' Air Operations Expert
        The Centurions are based on an orbiting space station called Sky Vault where the token (but very smart) female, Crystal Kane, uses a transporter (similar to the transporters in Star Trek) to send the Centurions, and the requested weapon systems, to where they were needed. To stop Crystal from getting lonely, she is kept company by Shadow the dog and Lucy the orangutan. Crystal plays a similar part in the Centurions' adventures to the operators of the Matrix, suggesting tactics and sending equipment as required.
        Later in the series, two more Centurions were added to break the monotony and perhaps add some racial diversity. These were: Rex Charger, the energy expert, and John Thunder, the Apache infiltration expert.
        Assault weapon systems
        Each of the Centurions was specialised for a particular domain, originally land, sea or air/space. They all had multiple weapon systems that could be 'charged' to their exoframes. Typically each started out with the basic system and later in an episode would upgrade to a larger and more powerful system. The exoframes must act as a kind of exoskeleton, because no matter how large the system got, the Centurions never seemed to get weighed down by
        the equipment. They also never seem to take the suits off.
        Ace McCloud (Aerospace)
        Sky Knight – the basic air system; small, lightly armed jet pack like air assault system with arm missiles, a chest mounted bomb and lasers Orbital Interceptor – non-atmospheric craft and featured several missiles and guns; usually used for space missions, but was used underwater on at least one episode.

        7楼2012-11-27 23:21

          Sky Bolt – a heavily armed fighter-jet, and carried missiles, bombs and guns. Strato Strike Air Assault Max Ray (Sea)
          Cruiser – the basic sea system; a SCUBA system with a gun and missile. Tidal Blast – a larger undersea system with two large torpedoes and shoulder mounted grappling line
          Depth Charger – a self contained submersible with torpedoes, periscope and depth-charge/mine
          Sea Bat – a surface system with guns and missiles
          Sea Fan
          Jake Rockwell (Land)
          Fireforce – the basic system; a gattling gun and shoulder-mounted bazooka
          Detonator – a larger walker, with freeze-rays and missiles
          Wild Weasel – a gun equipped human-motorcycle that could move in a prone or standing position
          Hornet – a helicopter with guns and missiles
          Swingshot – a tracked gun platform.
          Awesome Auger- a drill like weapons system, never used.
          Land Laser
          Rex Charger (Energy)
          Gatling Guard
          John Thunder (Infiltration)
          Silent Arrow
          Thunder Knife
          On rare occasions, one of the Centurions might use another's weapon system. The results were usually comical as they were unfamiliar with controlling the weapon system.
          The three main Centurions and all their weapon systems, along with Dr Terror, Hacker, Strafer and Traumatizer were available as toys. There was also a wind-up power pack meant to add "power to all centurions heroes and hero assault weapons systems."
          As well as the adventure side of the show, the series considered various
          science-fiction themes. In particular, the fusion or relationship between
          humans and technology was a focus throughout the show's run. A number of
          episodes also revolved around ecological themes, mainly involving Dr Terror's attempts to extort money from the governments of the world by threatening to destroy some aspect of the environment. Many of the plots were also genre parodies, including "Zone-Dancer's" take on film noir/Bladerunner, and "An Alien Affair's" take on "Alien." Even the subject of magic was explored when Ace became involved with a woman named Cassandra Cross, who was a practitioner of white magic. Her evil twin sister, Lilith joined forces with Doc Terror in "Return of Cassandra". Both characters were voiced by B.J. Ward.
          The cartoon
          Opening titles voice-over
          In the near future Doc Terror and his cyborg companion Hacker, unleash their forces to conquer earth.
          Only one force can stop this evil: a handful of brave men; in specially
          created exoframes they can be transported anywhere to fuse with incredible
          assault weapons. Beamed down from the space station Sky Vault, becoming man and machine,Power Xtreme!
          Max Ray: Brilliant Sea Operations Commander.
          Jake Rockwell: Rugged Land Operations Specialist.
          Ace McCloud: Daring Air Operations Expert.
          Whatever the challenge, they are ready:
          Power Extreme!
          Voice acting credits
          Ace McCloud: Neil Ross
          Amber: Jennifer Darling
          Crystal Kane: Diane Pershing
          Doc Terror: Ron Feinberg
          Hacker: Edmund Gilbert
          Jake Rockwell: Vince Edwards
          John Thunder: Michael Bell
          Max Ray: Pat Fraley
          Narrator: Bill Woodson
          Rex Charger: Bob Ridgely
          Episode guide
          5-part mini-series (Apr 1986)
          The Sky Is on Fire
          Battle Beneath the Sea
          An Alien Affair
          Found, One Lost World
          Sand Doom
          1st season (fall 1986 - fall 1987)
          Tornado of Terror
          Denver Is Down
          Micro Menace
          Attack of the Plant-Borg
          Battle Beneath the Ice
          Operation Starfall
          Let the Games Begin
          Cold Calculations
          Return of Captain Steele
          Three Strikes and You're Dead
          Double Agent
          Child's Play
          Terror On Ice
          That Old Black Magic
          Max Ray: Traitor
          Crack the World
          Incredible Shrinking Centurions
          Live At Five
          The Mummy's Curse
          Counterclock Crisis
          Zombie Master
          Broken Beams
          The Chameleon's Sting
          Film At Eleven
          Hacker Must Be Destroyed
          Showdown At Skystalk
          The Warrior
          Return of Cassandra
          Night On Terror Mountain
          The Monsters From Below
          The Road Devils
          Zone Dancer
          Traitors Three
          You Only Love Twice
          Atlantis Adventure Part 1
          Atlantis Adventure Part 2
          Ghost Warrior
          Let the Lightning Fall
          Cyborg Centurion
          Day of the Animals
          To Dare Dominion Part 1
          To Dare Dominion Part 2
          Hole In the Ocean Part 1
          Hole In the Ocean Part 2
          The Better Half Part 1
          The Better Half Part 2
          Man Or Machine Part 1
          Man Or Machine Part 2
          Man Or Machine Part 3
          Man Or Machine Part 4
          Man Or Machine Part 5

          8楼2012-11-27 23:21

            IP属地:江苏9楼2012-11-27 23:33