
伦敦奥运后的Lochte参加很多电视和时装秀的活动......Lochte说伦敦奥运后这两个月他并没去想游泳或工作的事,他什麼都不想做,只想坐在沙发上看电视,......以前每天都要训练的他对此也觉得有点奇怪......("Nothing. I did not want to do anything," he said. "It felt kinda weird because I train everyday. You know what? I'm going to just sit on my couch and watch TV.")
两个月后,Lochte告诉自己说要回到水里了!两个月是一个很长的休息时间,要开始训练罗!("After two months, I was talking to myself and said, 'You know what? I have to get back in the water.' Two months is a long break for me. I want to get back in and start training.")
经过两过月的休息,记者问Lochte的腹肌还在吗?Lochte自己也很惊讶......在吃了一堆起司汉堡和薯条之后,那些腹肌们竟然还在......("They're still there," he reported. "Surprising. All those cheeseburgers and fries, they are still there.")
Lochte在一个月前回到泳池训练准备上个礼拜的尼阿波利斯大奖赛,Lochte说他觉得自己像是个十岁的小孩试著再次游泳似的,感觉是很严酷的,而这种感受就一直持续著......最后终於他觉得好多了!("Honestly felt like I was 10 years old trying to swim again," he said. "It was brutal. You know what? That's the way it goes. I just had to keep going and keep going and finally it I felt good again.")
下个月Lochte会去土耳其参加伊斯坦堡的世界短池锦标赛......Lochte说他已经为此投入了训练,回到水里的感觉很好,下个月可以看看结果如何罗!("Everything kind of slowed down and now I'm getting into training," he said. "I'm getting ready for that and we'll see how that turns out. It was my time to relax. …. It feels good to be back in the water and get back into the swing of things.")