Hi, Ms. Wright, this is Frank. How have you been?
This is my new e-mail address; nothing serious, just want to get in touch with you. I’m in Florida now; I’ve been here for 4 months already. It’s almost the end of this semester, and I just want to tell you that I’ve been doing well through these past 4 months. I’m living with a typical American family. They have two boys, 12 and 16. They are really nice and friendly. With them, I never felt lonely. I’m doing well at school too. Although I’m taking the math class for 12th graders, it is still easy for me. Chemistry was a little bit hard when I first got here. I wasn't ready for those elements in English, but I’m getting it, and I’m one of the top students in my chemistry class now. I’m having an English class too; it is set just for international students here. I learned how to write a formal essay (MLA format that kind of stuff). The class I’m struggling the most is American History. My history teacher has got a Virginian accent, and his handwriting is unlookable! I couldn’t understand one word of what he said when I first got here; I can understand most now but still don’t get his writing (by the way, he is an American football couch. His tone doesn’t sound so kind). I made a lot of friends too; many American kids say that I’m their favorite Asian. I danced with 11 girls at homecoming dance. I wasn’t sure if it was a lot till an American kid told me that he only danced with 2. Language wasn’t a problem even when I first came here. Now all I’m working on is to increase my vocabularies and get rid of my accent. I’m not getting back to China this Christmas; Instead, I’m going to Michigan with my host family. They say it is super cold up there, but the only cloths I brought are T-shirts. Attached are two recent pictures of me. Those two kids are Detroit tiger fans, so I became a tiger fan too. Another one is when I celebrated thanksgiving with those kids couple weeks ago. So this is my recent life, I feel better when I share it with others. How have you been, Ms. Wright? All of us in class 4 miss you. Have you been talking to them at all? It’s kind of sad knowing that, 34 of us, we won’t be together in one classroom anymore, but this is just life, isn’t it? We all have to move on eventually, but I’m still hoping to see you, maybe in America, maybe in Canada, maybe even in China, who knows?