暗箭吧 关注:836贴子:56,602
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我爱你!(l love you)
我关心你!(l care you)
我等你!(l wait you)
我答应你!(l promise you)
我等你!(l see you)
我喜欢你!(l like you)
我需要你!(l need you)
我不会骗你!(l don't cheat you)
我想念你!(l miss you)
我跟随你!(l follow you)
我保护你!(l protect you)
我帮助你!(l help you)
我温暖你!(l keep you warm)
我的灵魂属于你!(my soul belong to you)
在我的世界里,你是独一无二的!(You are unique in my world)
(l enjoy my every second and every minute with you)
与你相谈的每一天,我都非常开心,这种感觉非常美妙,我喜欢这样的生活。(every day when l talk with you.l feel very happy.and this fancy feeling makes me fall in love with my life.)
我想牵着你的手,陪你一起去看星星,踏马路。去守护我们共同的美好回忆,你,愿意吗?(We hand in hand,walking along the road,and seeing the star shine in the sky.shall we keep our beautiful memorises together?)

来自Android客户端1楼2012-12-02 13:19回复