大卫苏切特吧 关注:107贴子:300
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who do you think you are


IP属地:江苏1楼2012-12-08 18:45回复
    David Suchet embarked on a journey around Europe hoping to resolve the confusion surrounding his family history. Some relatives thought his grandfather was German, others Russian, others Estonian. And when and why was their name changed from Suchedowitz to Suchet? His mother's side of the family was equally confusing. Was her grandfather's name Jarché or Jarchy? He claimed to be a French photographer, but was he?
    First David explored the only English branch of his family, the ancestors of his maternal grandmother Elsie Jezzard. David has always loved boats, and his investigations revealed that Elsie's grandfather was a master mariner. Further digging at the National Maritime Museum led him to the Suffolk coast and the story of a terrible storm, a shipwreck, great tragedy and heroism.
    Next David decided to head to London and Paris on the trail of his great-grandfather, Monsieur Arnold Jarché, a 19th century photographer. Was he really the proprietor of the 'Eiffel Tower Studio', and was he really French? Finally David journeyed across Eastern Europe in search of the birthplace of his grandfather and the roots of his unusual surname.

    IP属地:江苏2楼2012-12-08 18:46
      IP属地:江苏3楼2012-12-08 18:47
        为了解决有关家族历史的疑问,David Suchet开始了环绕欧洲的旅行。一些亲戚认为他的祖父是德国人,有的认为是俄罗斯人,还有的则认为他是爱沙尼亚人。那么从何时起、为什么他们的姓氏从Suchedowitz改成了Suchet呢?他母亲那边的家族史也同样令人不解,她祖父的名字是Jarché还是Jarchy?他自称是一位法国摄影师,但果真如此吗?
        David首先调查了他们家族唯一的英国分支,他外祖母 Elsie Jezzard的祖先。David一直很喜欢船,而他的调查也显示 Elsie的祖父曾是一名船长。在国家海事博物馆的进一步调查让他了解到了曾经萨福克海岸的一场可怕暴风雨以及一艘船只的遇难,真是场英雄的悲剧。
        接下来David决定前往伦敦和巴黎追寻曾祖父的足迹,Arnold Jarché先生,他是19世纪的一名摄影师。他真的是“埃菲尔铁塔工作室”的主人吗?他又真的是法国人吗?最后David漂洋过海来到东欧探索祖父的出生地以及他们这个不同寻常的姓氏的根源。

        IP属地:江苏5楼2012-12-08 19:12

          IP属地:江苏6楼2012-12-08 19:18