《QQ飞车》 菲律宾选手第二弹!
2011-12-16 08:51 出处:其他 作者:佚名 责任编辑:suishengnan
21岁的Arjay G. Geocallo(以下简称Ariay)才刚刚从菲律宾的一所大学毕业,平时除了玩【Gkart】(《QQ飞车》菲律宾服)之外,喜欢的运动是健身。在飞车中最爱的地图是具有挑战性“敦煌石窟”。Arjay的座右铭是:“I Don't Believe in Quit!”相信永不退缩的他,在亚洲总决赛中能一展最佳的水平。
Q1(英文):What do you think of “GKart”, what is its most attraction?
Arjay(英文):When i see the Game Title "Go Kart" first i thought it's an online game for kids, but when i play it, it's nice. The most attraction of Go Kart is the Drift and the difficulty of the maps.
Q2:Which kart in game do you love most, why?
Arjay:I Love the jazz kart, because its simple, smooth, & it's FREE.
Q3:Which track in game do you love most, why?
Arjay:The DunHuang track, because the difficulty of the map is cool, some say's dunhuang is 1 of the hardest map in GK you need to drift every secs. but the truth is there are lot of techniques on that map that is so cool like "driving the corners w/o drifts" :)
Q4:How about the players’ level in your country? Any other gamer can be compared with you?
Arjay:In PH most pro players don't care about the LEVELS they care about the skills and how to practice and make techniques on every maps. Honestly there are lot's of players that is better than me but can't compete this coming league.
Q5:Do you know the level of the plays from other countries? What do you think of the level of Chinese players?
Arjay:Extremely GOOD, I always watch videos of chinese GK players and they are so PRO. actually i get my techniques on them :) On Level i don't have any idea about their levels, but sure its high than PH.