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BLACK OBSIDIAN 黑曜石 - Katrina Raphaell


文字摘自:Crystal Enlightenment, page 93-100

1楼2012-12-30 15:01回复
    Black Obsidian is one of the most important teachers of all the New Age Stones. It is associated with the first chakra. This energy center pertains to the earth, the physical, to survival, and to the personal ego fulfillment. Black Obsidian acts as a magnet that draws the spirit forces into the body to be governed by the conscious will for use in physical action. When these higher forces are grounded into the world of form it is possible to change the very quality of life on earth by infusing the material plane with more light force. When Black Obsidian is placed on the lower chakra points it draws the finer energies of the higher chakras into the primal centers to be used for ego refinement and purification.

    Black Obsidian should only be used when one is educated about its powers and prepared to process the changes that this stone often relentlessly puts one through. Ruled by the planet Pluto, Black Obsidian
    s purpose is to take the mind through the darkened areas of the subconscious to establish identity in the super-conscious. Being a Plutonian teacher, Black Obsidian does not cater to the ego. Instead, it bluntly and often tactlessly shows the ego-self where it is at and what it needs to change in order to advance to the next step of evolutionary growth. It acts as a mirror that reflects the flaws in ones nature and magnifies the fears, insecurities and egocentric attitudes that suppress the souls superior qualities. Black Obsidian could be named the warrior of truth, that which slays the illusion to give birth to the vision of the Aquarian Age. In this new age each person will live in accordance to the dictates of their own higher consciousness and that unified consciousness will form the foundation and be the common denominator that links each person to the same truth.

    Black Obsidian is a master teacher and has come to teach us the true meaning of the color black. Black, being the dense, the dark and the unknown, is the polar opposite to the color white, which is the seen, the lightened and the known. Each of these expressions are the exact opposite of the other, and being the soul-mates that they are, they allow the other to exist. Each of these colors has contained within it all other colors; both black and white can potentially contain the same degree of light. With black on one end of the color spectrum and white on the other, the entire panorama of color can come into
    existence and express the multi-faceted nature of each of these colors. Cradled in the arms of black and white, of day and night, of dark and light, life on earth was conceived, given birth to, and reared and is now ready to come to know that the seemingly opposite poles are in reality the same. The concepts of good and evil are but a trick played on the senses when these colors are seen as separate.

    2楼2012-12-30 16:04
      The color black has been more misused and misunderstood than any other color in the entire spectrum. As the human soul has evolved and felt the power of the universe flowing through his veins, he has had a tendency to claim that power for his own. In seeking only personal selfish gratification, he has learned to channel this cosmic force onto the planet in ways that only serve his little ego instead of serving the force itself. When this happens, the light contained within black is turned in upon itself and the lowest aspects of mans nature take over. Black magic is just this type of gross misuse of power that will manifest in evil deeds, satanic influences and demonic energies. But this very process of power abuse is one of the greatest lessons that the universe has to teach its occupants.

      The black hole theory can be seen existing within different aspects of creation, from human to stellar. This natural phenomenon is one that is created when light is selfishly consumed and reverted back in upon itself, bringing destruction and devastation on all other surrounding objects as they are drawn into the black hole by an increasingly strong gravitational pull. As the light is sucked up, the void grows deeper and larger until at last the soul or the stars are reborn as they come to know that light is to be shared and equally owned by all. Once this is learned, all of the light that was consumed by the black hole explodes out onto the other side of reality and the white hole exists as a brilliant manifestation of a lesson well learned. Each of us, at one time or another, must go through the black hole process of self-destructiveness and learn how to properly use light and energy. As the mass inhabitants of the entity of earth learn this lesson, the earth as a whole will be reborn and the Aquarian Age will flourish.

      Black Obsidian teaches us that the black hole within each of us is the non-identification with the source of light and that it is the darkness of fear and selfishness that leads us to our own self destruction. Black Obsidian will bring light into those fears and prove that they are but an illusion and a misunderstanding of the truth. Black Obsidians greatest characteristic is its ability to contain and reflect large degree of light. Unlike some other black stones that tend to absorb light, Black Obsidian attracts and reflects light while conserving and retaining its own dynamic light force. Black Obsidian demonstrates through example how to use the light force properly and respectfully. In doing so it assists in transforming human consciousness to be able to use the cosmic energy to open doors to future possibilities yet unimagined.

      3楼2012-12-30 16:05
        Black is one of the highest colors worn by advanced initiates of the secret mystery schools. It symbolizes, as Black Obsidian does, mastery over the physical plane. In the practice and educating degrees of material arts the black belt is the ultimate achievement attained and represents the ability to properly ground and spontaneously used the chi energy (cosmic force) for self defense.

        In order to receive the masters degree in life and become as one of the living masters (Christ, Buddha, or Mohammed) it is mandatory that one learn how to overcome the temptation of egocentric power abuse and to be unaffected by the so-called negative influences that living in a dualistic world will constantly present. Black Obsidian demonstrates the ability to be completed identified and one with the light while existing and functioning on the material plane. It exemplifies the ability to maintain a centered meditative state of mind while in the midst of the hustle and bustle of 20th century life. The Black Obsidian consciousness interprets all experiences and occurrences from a neutral clear perspective. The mastery is in the ability to constantly identify with the truth that is inherent, but often hidden in the illusion, in every facet human, more compassionate and more understanding because one knows that no matter what the seeming circumstance or karmic happening, that all is in divine right order and the universe and everything in it eternally exists in a brilliant state of perfection.

        In much of the western Christian-Judaic dogma we are led to believe that heaven is a place that we will go if we earn the right and prove ourselves to be goodwhile on earth. Black Obsidian has come to boldly announce that heaven is a state of mind capable of being attained while on earth and while in a physical body. Indeed, the true magic and challenge in living is to create heaven while on earth and to transform the very quality of the physical world so that the seeds of heaven will find fertile soil upon this planet and be nurtured and cared for and harvested by the children of earth. As this transformation takes place the very nature of matter will be altered as the atoms which form the substance for physical manifestation will vibrate at a higher frequency, allowing more light to fill the spaces between the atomic protons, neutrons and electrons.

        4楼2012-12-30 16:05