Damon:I was wrong.
Elena: Are you drunk?
Damon: No, I thought Stefan was one, but I was wrong.
Elena: Are you saw him there? Damon, is he OK?
Damon: No, he is not OK. He’s an insufferable martyr that needs his ass kicked. But he can be saved.
Elena: What happened out there? What changed your mind?
Damon: I changed my mind because even in his darkest place my brother still can’t let me die. So i figure i owe him the same in turn. I’ll helo you bring him back.
Elena: Thank you.
Damon: But before I do, I need you to answer one question. What made you change your mind?
Elena: What do you mean?
Damon: You were so hellbent on staying on that mountain. Then you just gave up. So what changed your mind?
Elena: We were under attack, Damon.
Damon: You had a bag full of weapons and a teacher with an eternity ring. You could have kept going.
Elena: It was too dangerous.
Damon: It was too dangerous going out there to begin with, so what was it?
Elena: Why are you bing like this?
Damon: What changed your mind, Elena?
Elena: I didn’t want to see you get hurt, OK? I was worried about you.
Damon: Thank you.
Elena: Yes. I worry about you. Why do you even have to hear me say it?
Damon: Because when I drag my brother from the edge and deliver him back to you, I want you to remember the things you felt while he was gone.
Good night, Elena.