RT. 包括不少学校老师都在散播一些想当然的错误信息,而JAE Form上面的又是没减之前的分数,我的一个朋友就差点因为这个误填不理想的学校。在JAE报名之际科普一下:JC录取只要高华和英文同时及格就有2分Bonus Point,无论哪个做L1。理工不适用。一个附加条款是JC志愿前面不能有理工志愿,否则不能减分。
For students seeking admission to JC/MI courses and with grades of A1 to C6 in both their first languages (i.e. English and a Higher Mother Tongue). This is provided that these choices come before any Poly/ITE choices.
For students seeking admission to JC/MI courses and with grades of A1 to C6 in both their first languages (i.e. English and a Higher Mother Tongue). This is provided that these choices come before any Poly/ITE choices.