听以及用翻译器蒙的,中间有段是第7部里有的。。其他部分估计有很多错误。。 []里面的是怎么也想不出合适的
- Willkommen to Ulbe Bahn, please don't piss on the floor
- The time is 7:53 AM
- Oh ya, dies ist ein Schuh Krabben
- I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
- What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I tried so hard
- And got so far
- But in the end
- It doesn't even matter
- I have a chicken nugget in my ass
- [听不清,不像英文了]
- Thank you for travelling with Ulbe Bahn. Please get the f*ck out of the train, haven't I said?