Mixing flows are only one member of a hierarchy of increasingly unstable and thus chaotic ergodic dynamical systems. Even more random are the so-called K-flows, named after Kolmogorov. Their behaviour is at the limit of total unpredictability: they have the remarkable property that even an infinite number of prior measurements cannot predict the outcome of the very next measurement. My colleague Baidyanath Misra, working in collaboration with Prigogine, has found an entropy-like quantity with the desired property of increasing with time in this class of highly chaotic systems. The chaotic K-flow property is widespread among systems where collisions between particles dominate the dynamics, from those consisting of just three billiard balls in a box (as shown by Sinai in his pioneering work of 1962) to gases containing many particles considered as hard spheres. Many theorists believe, although they have not yet proved it, that most systems found in everyday life are also K-flows. My colleague, Oliver Penrose of Heriot-Watt University and I are trying to establish, by mathematically rigorous methods, whether we can formulate exact kinetic equations for such systems in the way originally proposed by Boltzmann.