上海燎原中学国际部吧 关注:105贴子:274
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下面是我们街舞社的一点介绍:为了大家的爱好,我们创建了街舞社,为扩大宣传力,发挥我们的优势,利用我们的资源传播校园文化,所以我们举办了这个活动,让我们的课余生活更加丰富。 参加我社的同学众多,有共同爱好,还有助于帮助同学在学习之余放松自己,减肥,锻炼,也会开展健身操活动,排练帮助学校艺术活动更丰富。
我们有很多活动,如学习Hip hop,broken,鬼步舞的基础学习。现在也很流行robot,我们也会努力学习,希望热爱这项运动的同学们,学有所用,让我们的社员不后悔参加这项有意义的活动,而且我们的辅导老师Ziad有非常好的舞蹈基础,我们的一些社员有街舞基础,大家对舞蹈都很有热情,大家也很配合我们所教的动作,很努力的学习舞蹈动作,我们的第一节课效果就很不错,Ziad是个非常好的老师,大家都很喜欢!!
副社长:Vicky To hip-hop community
The name of the hip-hop community is Fervor.We hope the hip-hop community will be dedicated, unified, positive, and everyone's hobby can be maintained and developed.
For everyone's, we have created this hip-hop community, to expand its promotion force play to our strengths, our resources to spread the campus culture, so we organized this event, let's extracurricular life richer. Large number of students to participate in my community, have a common interest, and also aim to help students learn and relax, lose weight, exercise, and will carry out the aerobics richer rehearsal help school arts activities.
We have a lot of activities, such as learning Hip pop, broken, ghost-step dance-based learning. Are also very popular robot, we will try to learn, and hope that the students love the sport and have learned to use, so that our members do not regret participate in this meaningful event, and our tutors is Ziad have a very good dance hip-hop foundation the basis of some of our members, we have a passion for dance are, we are all with the action we teach, very hard to learn the dance moves, our first class performance is very good, Ziad is a very good teacher, everyone liked! !
Hip-hop is popular with young people favorite sport, our common interests, common to create a hip-hop community! ! !
President: Sigrid
Vice President: Vicky

1楼2013-01-31 13:50回复