Model behaviour: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, is the inspiration for many young, high society Chinese women
Zaozao will pay between £5,000 and £6,000 for her course and says she is already amazed at what she has learned from two introductory sessions, adding: ‘We were taught how to shake hands, and how you should always have eye contact when you’re talking to people. Before the course, I didn’t know how to wipe my mouth properly with a napkin or how to fold it before placing it in my lap – or even how to tear a piece of bread and put butter on it.’She pauses, then adds with a shudder: ‘It’s only now that I realise how terribly rude I must have seemed.’
China’s lack of manners has become something of a national embarrassment, with academics openly debating in the state-run media how habits can be changed. Certainly, public behaviour can come as a shock to Westerners.
On one of my first visits in 2004, I learned not to put my head out of a bus window. When I did so, a man three rows ahead spat expertly and copiously out of the window and scored a direct hit on me. It is not uncommon to see people blowing their noses without a handkerchief.
My translator told me, however, that many Chinese believe phlegm is toxic and that spitting it out expels poison from the body. To them, she said, our habit of blowing our noses into a handkerchief and putting it in our pockets is just as repugnant.
Sara Jane hopes that the perfect manners she is teaching will trickle down to the rest of Chinese society: a new form of cultural revolution. ‘When I say I’m starting an etiquette school the first thing people say to me is, “Thank you. China needs this,” ’ she says.