● 觉得自己做得到和做不到,其实只在一念之间。
Actually it is just in an idea when feel oneself can achieve and cannot achieve. 吐槽:我不想吐槽这语法混乱的句子……
更正:You can do anything as long as you believe so.
● 想不通的时候,试试倒过来想吧。
Think impassability, try to upside down.
吐槽:这句就没有一个词是对的……而且原句本来就很简单啊,需不需要错得这么离谱…… 更正:If you can't figure out something, try think of it another way around.
Actually it is just in an idea when feel oneself can achieve and cannot achieve. 吐槽:我不想吐槽这语法混乱的句子……
更正:You can do anything as long as you believe so.
● 想不通的时候,试试倒过来想吧。
Think impassability, try to upside down.
吐槽:这句就没有一个词是对的……而且原句本来就很简单啊,需不需要错得这么离谱…… 更正:If you can't figure out something, try think of it another way around.