Arr Denies
Tuesday February 26, 2013
To quote Michael Jackson, "lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons". Yes,
we all love him, but that does not mean we have to make AR Rahman, a possible
director - at least not by rumours! The legend has denied all the hoax that he
is venturing into direction. However it is true that he is currently working on
a project, but this is purely music. The project is titled 'Rasayana Rojakkal'
and is directed by the ace musician's sister AR Rehana; the teaser is supervised
by Rahman.
There is no questioning his creativity; it is said that the AR
Rahman has suggested and guided a few shots in the filming of the project's
teaser. All said and done, he is still sincerely head over heels in love with
music alone.
引用迈克尔杰克逊的话来说,“谎言传千里,事实未出门”。是的,我们都喜欢他,但这并不意味着我们要让AR Rahman成为导演-至少不是用谣言炒作!他正在进军导演业的谣言已全部被消除了。但是,目前他确实正在做一个项目,但纯粹是音乐上的。这个项目名为"Rasayana
Rojakkal",是由这位优秀的音乐人的妹妹AR Rehana导演的,预告片则由Rahman监制。
他的创造力是不用质疑的。据说,在这个项目的预告片的拍摄中,AR Rahman已建议并指导了一些镜头。正如他所说及所做的一样,他仍然只热忱地痴迷于音乐。

Tuesday February 26, 2013
To quote Michael Jackson, "lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons". Yes,
we all love him, but that does not mean we have to make AR Rahman, a possible
director - at least not by rumours! The legend has denied all the hoax that he
is venturing into direction. However it is true that he is currently working on
a project, but this is purely music. The project is titled 'Rasayana Rojakkal'
and is directed by the ace musician's sister AR Rehana; the teaser is supervised
by Rahman.
There is no questioning his creativity; it is said that the AR
Rahman has suggested and guided a few shots in the filming of the project's
teaser. All said and done, he is still sincerely head over heels in love with
music alone.
引用迈克尔杰克逊的话来说,“谎言传千里,事实未出门”。是的,我们都喜欢他,但这并不意味着我们要让AR Rahman成为导演-至少不是用谣言炒作!他正在进军导演业的谣言已全部被消除了。但是,目前他确实正在做一个项目,但纯粹是音乐上的。这个项目名为"Rasayana
Rojakkal",是由这位优秀的音乐人的妹妹AR Rehana导演的,预告片则由Rahman监制。
他的创造力是不用质疑的。据说,在这个项目的预告片的拍摄中,AR Rahman已建议并指导了一些镜头。正如他所说及所做的一样,他仍然只热忱地痴迷于音乐。