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【感动】Hold my hand


Once a little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.The father was the kind of scared so he asked his daughter,"Sweetheart ,please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river."The little girl said“No,You hold my hand." "What's the difference?"asked the puzzled father.""There's a big difference,"replied thelittle girl."If I hold your hand and something happens to me ,chances are that I may let your hand go.But if you hold my hand,I know for sure that no matter what happens,you will never let my hand go."

1楼2013-02-26 21:13回复

    IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端2楼2013-02-28 16:45

      IP属地:山西来自手机贴吧3楼2013-03-01 07:12