作者出席首映晚会,遇上Jennifer Beals和Marlee Matlin,三人谈了一下。
作者问Marlee参与The L Word最美好的事情是什么?Marlee通过翻译者说:“我可以和Jennifer Beals热吻。” Jennifer Beals就说:“我必须教她如何用舌头。”
然后作者提及几天前Jennifer在驾车去Law & Order片场途中打电话给她(Jennifer也有拍Law & Order?),Jennifer说天色仍早她还未清醒,不过她很风趣,和作者聊了很多,包括和她的老友Marlee Matlin拍亲热戏是怎样的。
“We just laugh hysterically the whole time. It’s horrible. We can not get through a love scene at all. Ever.”
“With Laurel it’s different. We know exactly what the beats are of our love scenes. But with Marlee, we just start laughing hysterically.”
“The first time it happened was the first big scene and it was an incredibly long, drawn out love scene, which is like having a long dance number, which means there are five million steps you’ve got to remember. At one point, Marlee had to take off my bra, or take off her bra, or whatever. And it had to come before this other move or else the thing that followed wouldn’t work,” Jennifer said.
“She realized she had forgotten to do it. The camera was behind her so it couldn’t see her face. And she looked at me with slight panic and absolute mischievousness and just started laughing. And of course I started laughing. And that was just the end of it. I just feel for the editors. They had to edit around a lot of silliness… I don’t usually go off on scenes like that. But she makes me laugh really hard.”