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【尔】是我的骄傲ベ_slut culture- =


1楼2013-02-28 20:46回复
    the common wealth of Nathons
    the groupnof seven,USA,France,UK,Germany,Italy,Canada,Ja
    1 London ,government ,finance,culture,centure
    2.1 AD 1st tribal kingdoms
    2.2 43AD Roman Empire(E W)
    2.3 Angles and Saxon , King Arthur ,round table(S)
    2.4 8c ,Scandinavia ,Vikings,King Alfred the Great(ews)
    2.5 1066 Williams the Conqueror(e w). The Tower of London
    3 Robin Hood outlaw
    4 a gap of 11 years ,Oliver Grownwell
    5 William of Orange and Mary 2
    1 Glasgow and Edinburgh.
    2 Hadrian's wall
    3 Macbeth
    4 1609 Queen Elizabeth the first
    James the sixth of Scotland\first of England
    5 1707 joined the Union
    6 1998 the Scotland act
    1999 first election of MP
    1 Cadiff
    2 the Prince of W ,Edward the first son of the Monarch
    3 1536 joined the Union
    4 language ,the Old British Celtic tongue
    5 plaid lymur ,MP
    Northern Ireland
    1 Belfast(biggest capital)
    2 Protestant US Roman Catholic
    3 1914 The third Home Rule was overtaken by the First World War
    4 1916 The Easter Rising
    Dublin's Post Office,Force the British to ratake it by militancy means,leader of the rebellion were executed.

    2楼2013-02-28 20:55

      4.1916 THe Easter Rising 复活节起义
      Dublin's Post office ,force the british to retake it by military
      means,leader of the rebellion were executed
      5.1919 Irish Rrpublican Army
      1)the provisional IRA is the radical
      faction of the IRA force and arms
      6 Sinn Fein
      a legal party in Northern Ireland
      "The bullet and the Ballot Box"
      policy supports the IRA
      7. THE Anglo-Irish Agreement 1985
      8.The Good Friday 1998.4.10
      muti-party nrgotiations
      Northern Ireland remains parts of the UK and it won't change its political status
      unless the majority of the people of NI agree goverment by serveral jurisdictions:The Republic of Ireland,Great Britain,its own elected executive government of 10 ministers
      9.Bloody Sunday,1972.1.30
      13 Catholics,a peaceful civil rights
      march,468 people died.

      4楼2013-02-28 21:13
        1)The monarchy
        1.1066 the Norman Canquest
        2.throne 王位 heir 继承人 sovereign君主
        3.Magna Carta1215
        also named the Great Charter baron贵族 John the First
        2)THe Parliament
        1.1236, was first used
        2.the House of lords ,represent themself
        ①the lords spritual,archbishops and most prominent bishops of the church of England
        ②the lords Tempord have inherited
        ③the seat from their forefathers
        3.the House of Commons
        ①646 members of Pariaments
        ②the real center of british political life
        ③represent the interests of the people
        ④elected in the General Election
        4.1689,the Bill of rights
        1688,King James 2's daughter Mary and her
        husband William
        authorities权利:King would never ignore Parliament.
        3)the Prime Minister and Cabinet
        4)Parkiamentary democracy议会制共和制
        constitutional monarchy君主立宪制
        5)statute law 成文法
        the common laws
        conventions 习惯法
        parliamentarian 议员
        6)The constitution
        The foundation of the British state are
        laid out in
        1.statute law 2.the common laws 3.conventions
        7)Parliament function
        1.passes laws
        2.provide the means of carrying on the work of government by voting for taxation
        3.Scrutinise government policy adnubustration and expenditure花费
        4.debate the major issues of the day
        8)the role of Monarchy today
        symbolise the tradition and unity of the British state
        ①legally head of the executive行政部门
        ②an intergral part of the legislatur立法机关
        ③head of the judiciary司法机关
        ④commander inchief of the armed forces
        ⑤supermen governor of the church of England

        5楼2013-02-28 21:15
          1)general election
          1.a government can in power for 5 years
          2.the Prime Minster can call an electionsooner than 5 years
          2)the Conservative Party
          the Labour Party
          the Liberal democrats
          3)The formation of the government
          651 members are elected from
          party holds a majority seats
          party leader is Prime Minister
          4)The election campaigns
          advertisement in newspapers
          door-to-door campaign
          postal delivery of leaflets
          party electoral broadcasts on the TV
          attack and criticise the opponents' policies/aggressive & critical
          5)class systen in British sociaty
          1.most of the people claim themselves to be either of middle-class or working-class
          2.some people actually the upper middle-class or lower middle-class
          3.not simple divided by economic and culture
          4.differ in the kind of newspapers in the way they speak ,in the kind of education
          5.distinctive feature:aristocratic titles can be inherited.

          6楼2013-02-28 21:17

            1)Margaret Thatcher Reform 1979-1991
            1.1979,The Conservative Party,Margaret Thatcher,radical reform
            2.bureaucracy was reduced
            3.privatisation in the 1980s
            4.inflation came under control,business,made profits
            5,a rapid increase in unemployment
            2)Privatisation in the 1980s
            1.a particularly had period in the 1970s,high rates of inflation and devaluation of the pound
            2. State-owned business (steel,telecom,gas,aerospace )were turn into private companies
            3.successful in controlling inflation unemployment rate increased rapidly

            7楼2013-03-01 17:30
              1)early writing
              2.Geoffrey Chaucer,The Canterbury Tales
              1.Marlowe,The Trogical History of Doctor Faustus
              2.Williams Shakespeare
              Romeo and Juliet,Harlet,Othello,King Lear,Macbeth,The Tanming of the Shrew ,A midsummer Night's Dream,Twelfth Night,The Tempest
              3)17th c
              1.king Jame's Bible
              2.Francis Bacon,The New Atlantis
              3. John Milton ,Paradise Lost ,Paradise Regained,Samson Agonistes
              4.)18th c shepticism
              1.Jonathan Surift Culliver's Travels
              2.Daniel Defoe,Robinson Crusoe
              5)Romantic Period
              1. George Gordon Byron
              Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,Don Juan
              2.John Keats,Ode on a Grecian Urn,Ode to a Nightingale
              3.Percy Bysche Shelley ,Ode to the West Wind,to a Skylark
              4.Jane Austen,Sense and Sensibility,Pride and Prejudice,Emma
              5.Brontë sisters
              Charlotte Brontë,Jane Eyre
              Emily,Wutheriny Heights
              6.Charles Dickens, Pickwick Papers,Oliver Twist,David lopperfied,Great Expectations,A Talk of Two Cities
              7. Thomas Hardy,Tess of the D'Urbervilles,Jude the Obscure
              6)Modernism and Postmodernism
              1.Joseph Conrad,The heart of Darkness
              Virginia Woolf,Mrs Dalleway To the Lighthouse,Orlando,A Room of ones,s own.
              1. The first third of the 19th c
              2.concerned with imagination and feeling than with the power of reason
              1.Mainly Written before WW2
              2.a reaction against Realism
              3.express the difficulty they see in understanding and communicating how the world works.
              4.disorganized,Hurd to understand
              5.portrays the action from the viewpoint of a single confused individual,rather than from the viewpoint of an all-knowing impersonal narrator outside the action
              6.Virginia Wolf

              8楼2013-03-01 17:30