Spy 间谍
- Commander? 指挥官
- Mission sir? 什么任务 长官
- Give me a plan 告诉我计划
- Agent ready 特工就绪
- Operation underway 行动进行之中
- Indeed 当然
- Disguise ready 完成伪装
- They found me out! 他们发现我了
- I've been spotted! 我被认出来了
- Ready to infiltrate 准备潜入
- Obtaining intelligence 获得情报
Chrono Legionnaire 时空转换兵
- Yes, commander 是 长官
- Already there 已经到那儿了
- I'm gone 我已经离开了
- Pick a spot 指出地点
- Without a trace 来无影 去无踪
- They're history 它们成历史了
作者: 超级战神X 2006-9-17 13:06 回复此发言
13 回复:红警声音大全(尤里复仇篇)
Tanya 谭雅
"Let's Rock & Roll!" 让我们摇滚吧
"Nothing can stop me!" 没什么可以阻止我
"No fear - Tanya's here" 不要害怕 谭雅来到了
- What's up? 有事么
- I'm the best there is 我是这儿最棒的
- Untouchable 无人可及
- I hear ya 我在听您呢
- I'm so good 我太出色了
- Let's go 我们行动吧
- Gotcha 知道了
- Let's get to it 我们出发吧
- Nothing to stop me 没什么能阻拦我
- Bag' em up 猎杀掉他们
- Yihaaa
- Another loser 又一个要被干掉了
- I'm hit 我受伤了
- Just a scratch 只是檫伤而已
- That all you got? 就那点本事么
- Heyhey, watch it 嘿 当心
- One short swim to Alcatraz, and I'll blow that Psychic Contraption sky-high!
游过短短的路线抵达阿尔克绰兹(旧金山弯中的小岛) 我就能把那心灵装置炸上天
- This time, Yuri's going down! 这次 尤里完蛋了
- What? Yeah, right, Boris is skilled. Look at me, I can call in an airstrike! Please
什么 好 对 勃瑞茨真是训练有素啊 看我啊 我能召集空袭 别这样
- Games over Yuri, you're about to lose! 游戏结束了尤里 你正濒临失败
- You know, It might be easier to sneak me across the river then
to get an entire army over the bridge 您清楚 让我来游过河远比让整支部队驶过桥更加简单
- No problem, I'm trained to resist mind control 毫无问题 我被训练过怎样免疫心灵控制
- Mind control? Yeah, right 心灵控制 好 对
- No one mind controls Tanya 没人能心灵控制谭雅
- Those psychic tricks don't work on me 那些心灵(控制)的把戏对我无效
- Get outa my brain! 从我脑海里滚出去
- No fear, Tanya's here 不要害怕 谭雅在这儿
* Soviet Infantry 苏军步兵
Conscript 动员兵
Waiting oerders 等待命令
- Comrade? 同志
- Consript reporting 动员兵报到
- Moving out 出发
- Order recieved 得到命令
- For the Union 为了苏联
- Da (俄)是
- For home country 为了家乡
- Attacking 射击
- You are sure? 您肯定么
- For mother Russia! 为苏俄母亲
- Mommy! 妈妈啊
- We're being attacked! 我们遭到攻击
作者: 超级战神X 2006-9-17 13:06 回复此发言
14 回复:红警声音大全(尤里复仇篇)
Soviet Engineer 苏军工兵
- Engineering 准备(进行)工程
- Tools ready 准备好工具
- I have the information 我掌握着资料
- Need a repair? 需要修缮么
- Something need fixing? 有什么需要修理么
- I know how it works 我知道它怎样运作
- Yes commander! 是 指挥官
- Commander? 指挥官
- Mission sir? 什么任务 长官
- Give me a plan 告诉我计划
- Agent ready 特工就绪
- Operation underway 行动进行之中
- Indeed 当然
- Disguise ready 完成伪装
- They found me out! 他们发现我了
- I've been spotted! 我被认出来了
- Ready to infiltrate 准备潜入
- Obtaining intelligence 获得情报
Chrono Legionnaire 时空转换兵
- Yes, commander 是 长官
- Already there 已经到那儿了
- I'm gone 我已经离开了
- Pick a spot 指出地点
- Without a trace 来无影 去无踪
- They're history 它们成历史了
作者: 超级战神X 2006-9-17 13:06 回复此发言
13 回复:红警声音大全(尤里复仇篇)
Tanya 谭雅
"Let's Rock & Roll!" 让我们摇滚吧
"Nothing can stop me!" 没什么可以阻止我
"No fear - Tanya's here" 不要害怕 谭雅来到了
- What's up? 有事么
- I'm the best there is 我是这儿最棒的
- Untouchable 无人可及
- I hear ya 我在听您呢
- I'm so good 我太出色了
- Let's go 我们行动吧
- Gotcha 知道了
- Let's get to it 我们出发吧
- Nothing to stop me 没什么能阻拦我
- Bag' em up 猎杀掉他们
- Yihaaa
- Another loser 又一个要被干掉了
- I'm hit 我受伤了
- Just a scratch 只是檫伤而已
- That all you got? 就那点本事么
- Heyhey, watch it 嘿 当心
- One short swim to Alcatraz, and I'll blow that Psychic Contraption sky-high!
游过短短的路线抵达阿尔克绰兹(旧金山弯中的小岛) 我就能把那心灵装置炸上天
- This time, Yuri's going down! 这次 尤里完蛋了
- What? Yeah, right, Boris is skilled. Look at me, I can call in an airstrike! Please
什么 好 对 勃瑞茨真是训练有素啊 看我啊 我能召集空袭 别这样
- Games over Yuri, you're about to lose! 游戏结束了尤里 你正濒临失败
- You know, It might be easier to sneak me across the river then
to get an entire army over the bridge 您清楚 让我来游过河远比让整支部队驶过桥更加简单
- No problem, I'm trained to resist mind control 毫无问题 我被训练过怎样免疫心灵控制
- Mind control? Yeah, right 心灵控制 好 对
- No one mind controls Tanya 没人能心灵控制谭雅
- Those psychic tricks don't work on me 那些心灵(控制)的把戏对我无效
- Get outa my brain! 从我脑海里滚出去
- No fear, Tanya's here 不要害怕 谭雅在这儿
* Soviet Infantry 苏军步兵
Conscript 动员兵
Waiting oerders 等待命令
- Comrade? 同志
- Consript reporting 动员兵报到
- Moving out 出发
- Order recieved 得到命令
- For the Union 为了苏联
- Da (俄)是
- For home country 为了家乡
- Attacking 射击
- You are sure? 您肯定么
- For mother Russia! 为苏俄母亲
- Mommy! 妈妈啊
- We're being attacked! 我们遭到攻击
作者: 超级战神X 2006-9-17 13:06 回复此发言
14 回复:红警声音大全(尤里复仇篇)
Soviet Engineer 苏军工兵
- Engineering 准备(进行)工程
- Tools ready 准备好工具
- I have the information 我掌握着资料
- Need a repair? 需要修缮么
- Something need fixing? 有什么需要修理么
- I know how it works 我知道它怎样运作
- Yes commander! 是 指挥官