寂静之座吧 关注:8贴子:545
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1楼2013-03-10 00:16回复

    General Overview Natural disasters have plagued mankind since the beginning of time. With the advent of modern technology and communication systems, disaster response and preparedness has improved dramatically throughout the centuries and years. Despite this fact, disasters today wreak havoc, especially in places that don’t have strong infrastructure and sophisticated communication systems. The 2010 Haiti Earthquake and the 2004 Tsunami in Southeast Asia are prime examples of disasters that have destroyed ntire cities and regions. Natural disasters will always be inevitable, but two keys areas that the UNDP can help coordinate efforts forare disaster preparedness and disaster response. Examples of natural disasters that are the most detrimental to high-risk areas are droughts, cyclones, floods, and mudslides. However, these particular disasters are also the most predictable to prevent. Although governments, civil society, and communitties to help reduce risk of certain activities to help save lives and livelihoods.5 In general, the 21st century has already seen natural disasters devastate entire nations and regions, leading to heavy economic and human losses. In 2008, more than 300 disasters killed more than 235,000 people, affected more than 200 million others, and caused damages worth USD 181 billion. Certain costs to the damages exacted cannot even be quantified, such as the enormous toll on lives, livelihoods, social services, and the wider community infrastructure. Often, when these disasters occur in the poorest areas of the world, the impact on the most vulnerable populations is disproportionate. Those who are hurt the most are often women, children, and the elderly.6 The effective management of disasters is an integral part of development.
    D i s a s t e r m a n a g e m e n t i n v o l v e s understanding and identifying risk factors that cause disasters, such as the exposure and vulnerabilities of society to natural hazards. High-risk countries need
    preventative methods that will help reduce
    risks, such as early warning system, building
    codes, or disaster- sensitive local
    governments. For example, the rush for
    growth can trigger haphazard urban
    development that increases the risk of largescale
    fatalities during an earthquake. Other
    risks include increasing human settlement
    and investment in high-risk coastal areas.
    These locations place a greater number of
    people in danger of being affected by
    cyclones, storm surges, and flooding,
    especially given the dangers of climate
    Challenges Posed by Disasters
    Specific challenges that disasters
    pose to communities include loss of
    survival, dignity and livelihood of
    individuals. One affected region can have
    an impact on risks in another, and vice
    versa. By compounding the effects,
    particularly vulnerable populations and
    high-risk areas are subject to environmental
    degradation, climate variability, geological
    hazards, competition for scarce resources,
    and the impact of epidemics such as HIV/
    AIDS. A combination of these factors could
    point to a future where disasters wreak
    havoc on the world’s economy, its
    population, and the development of
    infrastructure. For more than 2 decades,
    over 200 million people have been affected
    by disasters each year.8

    3楼2013-03-10 23:07
      UNDP’s R o l e in D i s a s t e r
      There is now acknowledgement by the
      international community that governments
      and international agencies must combine
      efforts to help reduce disaster risks by
      integrating changes into policy, plans, and
      programs through bilateral, regional, and
      international cooperation and partnerships.
      UNDP’s 2007/2008 Human Development
      Report, Fighting Climate Change: Human
      Solidarity in a Divided World, reported that
      the majority of people affected by natural
      disasters live in the least developed
      countries. Investing in disaster reduction as
      part of development helps in the
      achievement of the MDGs. By reducing the
      effects of disasters, better health and
      education systems can ensue with the
      protection of basic infrastructure, such as
      schools and hospitals. This further helps to
      reduce poverty by protecting economic
      activities and assets. By understanding and
      identifying the risk factors that cause natural
      disasters, economic and development
      activity can truly flourish in an area or
      region. In general, the UNDP’s role is to
      help with the coordination of early warning
      systems, appropriation of building codes,
      and planning of disaster-sensitive local
      development. Specifically, disaster risk
      reduction requires political commitment,
      public understanding, scientific knowledge,For more than a decade, the UNDP has had
      a very active role in disaster preparedness.
      During the 2005 World Conference on
      Disaster Reduction in Kobe, Japan, 168
      governments adopted the Hyogo Framework
      for Action.10 The conference provided a
      unique opportunity to collaborate and help
      frame a systematic and strategic approach to
      reducing vulnerabilities and risks to natural
      disasters. Strategic goals for the Conference
      were to adopt a more effective integration of
      disaster risk considerations into sustainable
      development policies with a special
      emphasis on prevention, the development oinstitutions and mechanisms to build
      resilience, and the systematic incorporation
      of risk reduction approaches into response
      and recovery programs.11 UNDP plays an
      important role within the International
      Strategy for Disaster Reduction system and
      works toward implementing the five
      priorities of the Hyogo Framework: (1)
      ensuring that disaster risk reduction is a
      national and local priority with a strong
      institutional basis for implementation; (2)
      identifying, assessing and monitoring
      disaster risks and enhancing early warning;
      (3) using knowledge, innovation and
      education to build a culture of safety and
      resilience; (4) reducing the underlying risk
      factors; and (5) strengthening disaster
      preparedness for effective response.12
      In high-risk countries, UNDP
      resources are used to assist in strengthening
      capacity to manage the risks before and after
      disasters. For example, in India, UNDP
      supports communities in over 150 disasterprone
      districts to help implement
      preventative measures and disaster risk
      management plans. In Jordan, UNDP uses
      its resources to help assist earthquake-prone
      cities of Amman and Aqaba to help stabilize
      the risks associated with urban settings.
      After the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami,
      UNDP worked with Bangladesh, the
      Maldives, and Sri Lanka to strengthen
      warning systems in the hopes of reducing
      future disaster losses.13
      Other Players
      In addition to UNDP and its direct
      affiliates, each stakeholder in the community
      has a role in responding to and preventing
      disasters. One example is the Partnership
      for Disaster Response. This organization
      aims to bring together many resources and
      capabilities of the private sector to further
      promote and accelerate on-the-ground relief

      4楼2013-03-10 23:08

        5楼2013-03-10 23:16
          据介绍,南非政府推出了一系列与汽车业相关的投资鼓励政策。此外,南非汽车业还可以从欧盟-南非自由贸易协议、南非-南部非洲发展共同体自由贸易协议以及普惠制协议中获益。  南非汽车制造商协会9日表示,由于南非对日本市场的依赖,日本地震和海啸灾害对南非汽车制造业造成的不利影响可能远大于人们的预期。这一效应预计将在未来6至12个月内显现出来。  不过,专家指出,经历了地震和海啸灾害后,日本汽车制造商将在不同国家建立更多分支企业,以最大限度避免自然灾害对生产的影响。南非的地理环境得天独厚,自然灾害发生率较低。此外,欧洲是日本企业的主要市场之一,南非与欧盟的贸易协议也便于日本企业将南非生产的产品出口至欧洲。这些有利条件将在未来吸引更多日本企业在南非设厂。  鲍威尔说,虽然近年来外资对该领域的大量投资带动了南非汽车工业的繁荣,但由于全球汽车工业整体产能过剩,全球制造厂商正积极考虑重新配置投资资源,南非汽车工业也面临这一挑战。  他指出,南非汽车工业缺乏成本竞争优势,尤其是交通运输问题尤为紧迫。当前南非港口运输无法满足汽车工业长远发展需要,运输效率远远落后于世界标准。另外,获得全球竞争力的关键因素是大幅提高本地汽车零配件的供给比例,由目前的35%提高至70%。  鲍威尔说,南非汽车工业的发展和汽车市场的繁荣,产生了对汽车零配件的巨大需求。除了车辆原装厂的零配件需求外,南非的汽车修理零配件市场每年销售额约在20亿美元。目前南非的汽车保有量近千万辆,其中半数汽车超过十年,修理领域的零配件市场十分庞大。  据悉,全世界最大的10家汽车零配件供应商中的8家已在南非投资建厂,世界4大轮胎制造商中的3家已在南非投资建厂,另外有超过200个零部件制造商在南非投资。  虽然受到日本地震海啸灾害的不利影响,南非仍对2011年汽车市场表示乐观,预计全年国内新车销量将增长15%。(记者李建民)

          6楼2013-03-15 11:35

            7楼2013-03-15 11:36
              •地震 earthquake •雪崩 avalanche •火山泥流 lahar •泥石流 debris flow/landslide •洪水 flood •海啸 Tsunami •暴风雪 blizzard •龙卷风 tornado •森林大火 forest fire
              Much distress regener-ates a nation

              9楼2013-03-15 12:05