Reason sth. The inferences Premises to conclusion. The valid straight:deductively valid, inductively valid, in valid. 所有令人感兴趣的断言都存在争议。 A validity inference is one where the conclusion follows from the premises. A deductively valid inferences is one for which there is no situation in which all the premises are true, but the conclusion is not. Noam Chomsky对语序问题的建议。 感觉逻辑应该是最客观的一门哲学,是人所能做到的最根本共识,表现对人本的理解。
q˅p, ˺p, q and p. The truth conditions for negation. 特殊情况通常前提不为真,效度无意义。 人好像通常会在环境的影响下产生直觉误导。 In a situation, a unique truth value is assigned to each relevant sentences. ˺a is T just if a is F. a˅b is T just if at least one of a and b is T. a&b is T just if both a and b are T. 每个不定名词所包含的意思都可能改变句子的效度。
世界上存在完美事物,完美是上帝的特性。 IXCxP is true in a situation just if, in that situation, there is a unique object , a ,satisfying Cx, and aP. 有关摹状词和本体论的论证部分印象不深,木有记住,也貌似没有想通。
Conditions:考虑条件 a→c can get ˺(a & ˺c) 有一些条件包含内容,容易引起符号改变。 a→b is true in a situation,s,just if b is true in every situation associated with s where a is true. Every situation come with an associated collection of earlier and later situations. Fa is time in a situation if a is true in some later situation. Pa is time in a situation if a is true in some earlier situation. Ga (There must be sth in the future) is true in every later situation. Ha is true in every earlier situation.
莱布尼兹定律:If x=y,then x has any properties that y has, and vice versa. 连锁推理悖论,之后联想到的芝诺悖论。 这类悖论在初中第一次见时好像就觉得是少了一些具体的标准,跟微元不在同一个层次上。 Any place one chooses to draw the line is completely arbitrary. 西方哲学追求逻辑因果,步步推导,遇到这些悖论,对微元的思路是一种启发。 而东方哲学追求顿悟,看重质变,可能主流思想有意无意避开了这些障碍,而真正发现这类障碍的人却被历史淹没了吧。 A sentence is true in a situation just if its truth value is at least as great as the level of acceptability.
Probability 归纳推理受限于概率. The probability of a statement is the number of cases in which it is true, divided by the number of cases in the reference class. Pr(˺a)=1-pr(a) Pr(a˅b)=pr(a)+pr(b)-pr(a&b) Pr(a|b)=pr(a&b)|pr(b)(b为真值时a为真值的概率) An inference is inductively valid just if the conditional probably of the conclusion given the (conjunction of the ) premises is greater than that of its negation given the premises.
设计论证(与本体论相对) 用规律去推断不规律,以矛盾证明矛盾。 追求极限在思维误区里挣扎以求带来发展契机和放弃极端也是一对矛盾吧,感觉跟之前的雅思阅读题目很相似啊。 行车50km/h-100km/h s=300km 12:00始发 v=50km/h 15:00达; 12: 00 始发 v=100km/h 18:00达;mean v 16:30达 V=75km/h 16:00达。 跟机会成本的典型案例有相通之处啊。 Given a number of possibilities, with no relevant difference between them, they all have the same probability.
Practical reasoning Pascal’s wager. Decision theory is a branch of logic. 有很多机会总是在不停的分析和思考中流失,尽管把握越来越大,却要经受更多折磨。 就像魔鬼的方案, The rational action is the one which makes true the statement with the greatest expectation. The only rational thing to do is to be irrational. 贪图现在,在热血上涌的时候下手,即使失败其实结果也不会相差太多。有时候头脑发热,有时候又装装傻显得情商低,要是总把人看得清,未免太没人味,你说是吧?