黑鹰坠落吧 关注:114,367贴子:3,209,975
  • 11回复贴,共1



NaDa Seoj joined the room.
Elder Rhino joined the room.
Elder Victory joined the room.
Samwize joined the room.
Quiloman joined the room.
MirageSlayer joined the room.
Riflerecon joined the room.
FadelessJak joined the room.
KAZEBRA joined the room.
Bronskiez joined the room.
Riflerecon: report ashe
Bronskiez: gg started lagging crazy at end
Elder Victory: lol
Samwize: gg
FadelessJak: report talon and xinzhao
Bronskiez: the fuh report me?
Elder Victory: report me
Elder Victory: lol
Bronskiez: what id do?
Bronskiez: xD
Elder Victory: nothing
Riflerecon: i did
Elder Victory: ezactly
Bronskiez: hate little kids that play this game x
Riflerecon: you are reported
Bronskiez: xD
KAZEBRA: mirageslayer, and quiloman are reportecx
Elder Rhino: i did the best
KAZEBRA: *reported
Elder Victory: lol
Riflerecon: How old are you
Riflerecon: lol
Samwize: cause they bailed
Riflerecon: i guess you 30
Riflerecon: but you are noob at the game
Samwize: i guess you asian
Riflerecon: but it doesnt matter
Riflerecon: i am asian
Samwize: NAILED IT
Elder Victory: lol
Bronskiez: rifle could you spell anything to report me? did you sound it out to see what they meant?
Riflerecon: lol
Elder Victory: lol
Elder Victory: lol
KAZEBRA: then you should of done better than 6/7/7
Elder Victory: lol
Elder Rhino: qwe
Bronskiez: ill help you rifle..
Riflerecon: How the hell this person got promoted
Riflerecon: ok
Bronskiez: go to my name...
Riflerecon: done
Bronskiez: see that pretty red exlamation mark?
Bronskiez: click it
Riflerecon: i cant click
Bronskiez: then pick a crappy excuse to report me
FadelessJak: love how our team mates where doing good and just stopped at the end... when we took the first inibiter they wanted to surrender
Riflerecon: i did
Bronskiez: then click done
Bronskiez: yout done :D
KAZEBRA: you went 0/10/10 you dont deserve to play
Bronskiez: but if you cant read im sorry
Riflerecon: lol
Riflerecon: ashe
Riflerecon: 0/10/10
Bronskiez: i got kill stole every time!!!!
FadelessJak: still bro
Bronskiez: i was all like pew pew pew then rifle was like ah hell nah!
Riflerecon: because you never increase you AD
Bronskiez: cant let him do good!
Riflerecon: lol
Bronskiez: then kill slote
Riflerecon: how can you say
Bronskiez: stole*
Riflerecon: Ashe without mana is useless
Riflerecon: lol
FadelessJa: you still died 10
Bronskiez: her attacks take tons of mana
Riflerecon: sometime i play ashe i dont even improve my mana
Riflerecon: i got 14/2/12
Riflerecon: no mana increasement
Riflerecon: i bulit 400 ad at the end
Riflerecon: ok?
Riflerecon: you nuts?
Bronskiez: good for you *claps* we got a bd@$$ over here

1楼2013-03-21 12:06回复
    Riflerecon: and
    Riflerecon: look at you item
    Riflerecon: life stealing
    Bronskiez: how old are you kid?
    Riflerecon: attack speed
    Bronskiez: like 11?
    Riflerecon: 25
    Bronskiez: 13 maybe?
    Bronskiez: jesus...
    Riflerecon: how the **** are you
    Bronskiez: you attack young xD
    Riflerecon: how are you
    Riflerecon: like 14?
    Riflerecon: 17?
    Bronskiez: im 23 return soldier from Iraq
    Riflerecon: Marine?
    Riflerecon: Army?
    Bronskiez: indeed
    Bronskiez: marine sniper
    Riflerecon: i am asking you!
    Riflerecon: yeah!
    Bronskiez: Marine*
    Riflerecon: i have ILBE in my house
    Riflerecon: LWH
    Riflerecon: RRBV
    Riflerecon: sorry
    Riflerecon: but i gotta add you because you are marine
    Bronskiez: cool beans
    Bronskiez: i got respect now
    Riflerecon: let me teach you how to play well
    Riflerecon: Why Irap
    Riflerecon: Iraq
    Bronskiez: mk one sec ima go eat real quick
    Riflerecon: thats like 8 years ago
    Riflerecon: why Iraq
    Bronskiez: oh just to check on some targets out their
    Riflerecon: you are kidding me
    Riflerecon: tell me
    Bronskiez: tell what?
    Riflerecon: what rifle and what vest
    Riflerecon: you are using
    Riflerecon: were
    Riflerecon: and what boot you were wearing
    Riflerecon: ask me
    Riflerecon: answer me
    Riflerecon: you are not a marine
    Bronskiez: i prefer Remington M4OA3
    Bronskiez: and vest was
    Riflerecon: what
    Bronskiez: one sec lemme see if i can remember
    Riflerecon: lol
    Riflerecon: you are not
    Riflerecon: M40
    Riflerecon: not M4O
    Bronskiez: sorry miss typed
    Riflerecon: thats a lot
    Riflerecon: what vest and boot
    Bronskiez: tryingto go fast and remember the vest my O and 0 are right next to each other >_>
    Riflerecon: >.> negative thats not
    Riflerecon: answer me
    Riflerecon: Boot and Vest
    Bronskiez: one sec wifes getting pissed brb
    Riflerecon: ...
    Riflerecon: I am waiting or I call just call police to arrest you
    Riflerecon: waiting
    Riflerecon: waiting
    Riflerecon: waiting
    Riflerecon: waiting
    Bronskiez: ok dede im just kidding with you ;) but i do have tons of rescpect for you and im really glad their are guys like you out their like you i do plan on going into armed forces huge life goal of mine so
    Bronskiez: please dont call noone
    Riflerecon: ****
    Riflerecon: i have to
    Bronskiez: dude please no
    Riflerecon: I gotta teach you
    Bronskiez: teach me?
    Riflerecon: I not gonna call them
    Riflerecon: yea
    Bronskiez: thank god
    Riflerecon: I have to
    Bronskiez: i think i crapped my pants a bit >_>
    Bronskiez: wait have to call?
    Riflerecon: you are amazing
    Bronskiez: or teach me?
    Riflerecon: teach you
    Bronskiez: im confused
    Riflerecon: and i have to respect troops
    Bronskiez: you aint in military?
    Riflerecon: if you are army i will still **** you
    Riflerecon: i am not
    Bronskiez: xD
    Bronskiez: damn dude!
    Riflerecon: i am out of it but i am pro
    Bronskiez: gah
    Bronskiez: sweet
    Bronskiez: brb i actually have dinner

    2楼2013-03-21 12:06
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