我的恋人如此娴雅如此端庄,[My lady looks so gentel and so pure] 她走过,在一片赞美的中央,[She walks with humbleness for her array] 她似乎不是凡女,而来自天国[Seeming a creature sent from Heaven to stay] 只是为了显示神迹才降临世上[On earth,and show a miracle made sure] ----节选自《我的恋人如此娴雅》[意]但丁
乘着歌声的双翼, 爱人啊,随我飞去, 飞向恒河的原野, 我知道那儿最美丽 [On wings of song,my darling,] [I'll carry you off,and we'll go ] [Where the plains of the Ganges are calling] [To the sweetest place I know]