Who? Where? What?
5:02pm EST Nov 25, 2006
This is something I wrote several years ago... I'm going through a hard time
in my life, and it helped me reading it again. Maybe someone will see it here
and be helped as well.
I am the man who stands for his friends...
but who will stand for me?
I am the man who refuses to play people...
but why am I always being played?
I am the man who loves all...
but not many try to love me.
I am the man who will be your closest friend...
but yet you remain my bitter enemy.
I am the protector of all those around me..
but who will take on the task of protecting me?
Where are the few who are willing to stand up?
Where are the few who are willing to be true?
Where are the few who are willing to love?
Where are the few who are willing to be a true friend?
Where are the few who are willing to protect?
What do I want?
I don't want to stand up for those who won't stand up for me.
I don't want to be true to those who lie to me.
I don't want to love those who will not love me.
I don't want to be a friend to those who will not be a friend to me.
But what do I do?
I continue to put my heart out on a limb for those who hurt me
I continue to be true to all those who refuse to be true to me
I continue to love those who don't even love themselves
I continue to make myself vulnerable...
but what is my return? Pain... betrayal... anger...
I am who I am... nothing will ever change that...
I will not be knocked out. So you might as well not try.
I sit here in anguish not because of the actions of one, but the actions of many
But do all cause pain? No. There are those like me... but they suffer as well.
Is there an ultimate reward? Will all that I'm missing now be repayed? Maybe.
God loves me? Jesus loves me? That is no consolation to me now.
As another tear falls, heaven remains a thousand miles away.
So I remain here asking...
Why do I continue?
Where are those who will be real?
What will remain after you hurt me again?
5:02pm EST Nov 25, 2006
This is something I wrote several years ago... I'm going through a hard time
in my life, and it helped me reading it again. Maybe someone will see it here
and be helped as well.
I am the man who stands for his friends...
but who will stand for me?
I am the man who refuses to play people...
but why am I always being played?
I am the man who loves all...
but not many try to love me.
I am the man who will be your closest friend...
but yet you remain my bitter enemy.
I am the protector of all those around me..
but who will take on the task of protecting me?
Where are the few who are willing to stand up?
Where are the few who are willing to be true?
Where are the few who are willing to love?
Where are the few who are willing to be a true friend?
Where are the few who are willing to protect?
What do I want?
I don't want to stand up for those who won't stand up for me.
I don't want to be true to those who lie to me.
I don't want to love those who will not love me.
I don't want to be a friend to those who will not be a friend to me.
But what do I do?
I continue to put my heart out on a limb for those who hurt me
I continue to be true to all those who refuse to be true to me
I continue to love those who don't even love themselves
I continue to make myself vulnerable...
but what is my return? Pain... betrayal... anger...
I am who I am... nothing will ever change that...
I will not be knocked out. So you might as well not try.
I sit here in anguish not because of the actions of one, but the actions of many
But do all cause pain? No. There are those like me... but they suffer as well.
Is there an ultimate reward? Will all that I'm missing now be repayed? Maybe.
God loves me? Jesus loves me? That is no consolation to me now.
As another tear falls, heaven remains a thousand miles away.
So I remain here asking...
Why do I continue?
Where are those who will be real?
What will remain after you hurt me again?