不是说希望吴柳芳再出来(我才不看好她 稳定性堪忧的人而且今年19岁了)
就是直接赤裸裸忽略她只讨论曾斯琪(没办法人家长的一副小甜心样 而且之前有出来比过赛)
Introducing the new He Kexin
I'm exhausted just watching her. Hindorff-Geinger, Jaeger, Tkachev-Pak, full twisting double layout. I know that the new bars code will see sloppy release-release and release-combination connections but this routine, Ruby Harrold's and Becky Downie's make me absolutely not care at all. Now obviously her form is not exactly brilliant, she has nice lines but her knees are soft in some skills, her Pak is dumpy, some handstands are suspect etc. She essentially does not have the precision of her famous uneven bars specialist predeccessor, He Kexin. Maybe that will come- she's in the same coaching group as Wu Liufang and Huang Qiushuang so hopefully her coaches can work some magic on her form. It seems less forgiveable for a Chinese gymnast to have anything less than perfect form on bars compared to other nations somehow. She is also less useful than Kexin because she only competes bars, Kexin had a DTY and a somewhat decent floor. Word is that Jiaxin is training both events, so that would absolutely increase her likelihood to make major teams. As it is, if she performs like this all year then she should take a spot at worlds. For now though, let's just bask in a Chinese gymnast hitting..qualifying first and then taking gold, and with a spectacular routine at that. Edit- Jiaxin's missing transition from the video is a toe hecht to high, you can see an uninterrupted version here but it's a bit smaller and not as good quality I think.
重点是他明年还是有戏 因为天朝新抓的几乎都是99,00年的小朋友
跳马她都17岁了 以前一定也没啥基础(天朝的弱项 基层教练技术肯定落后了),不用想
平衡木这个传统强项竟然没让她练(天朝以前一项盛产高平选手的) 那就是她有障碍
我不想要求她再有什麼 因为如果因为练非UB的项目受伤是很愚蠢的事
(何可欣就是前车之鉴 而且她那麼辛苦练的DTY 11年开始就无影无踪了 BB她天残 连预赛都用不上 而且很多伤他都是在练BB时弄得 FX这个兼项倒是练的不错 她挺有空翻天赋的 可惜被浪费了.)