然后Brian white形容这一集是 史诗 浪漫 沉重 震惊 揭秘
But both Austin Basis and Brian White have confirmed on twitter this is a behind the scene picture from BATB and is from episode 1x21
@di_MOG YES… it’s the set for a scene from Ep21 :) (From Austin Basis’s twitter [x])
Too much Epicness to even imagine. Movie ISH! -> Stay tuned! “@di_MOG do you know whats going on here? :) #batb http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BHMATvOCMAADtD5.jpg …” (From Brian White’s twitter [x])
Also it was mention of save each other forum, that the designer who deals with clothes for the show {Catherine Ashton ) tweeted she was going shopping for bathing suits
@MsStarrysky GM to u my shopping for bathing suits r done moving on to Ep 121 :) #Feasties #batbnews #BatB [x]
@Jhb_SA my lips sealed :) #Feasties (regading if the bathing suits are for the picture above} [x]
Brian also posted this cryptic tweet regarding 1x21:
Be affraid… .@BATBwriters went INNN! “@bmlourenco @di_MOG hum now i´m starting to get a bit worried… #BATB” [x]
Brian White also goes as far as tweeting this regarding the script for the season finale:
Epic. Romantic. Heavy. Shocking. Revealing. “@Ewokgrl @di_MOG can you give us some one word hints about the finale? #BATB .@BatBwriters [x]
Yes! Best TV Season Finale (plotline; cliffhanger) I have ever read. Bravo! “@di_MOG have you read the final script yet? [x]
Looks like the remaining 5 episodes are going to be AMAZING!!!
然后Brian white形容这一集是 史诗 浪漫 沉重 震惊 揭秘
But both Austin Basis and Brian White have confirmed on twitter this is a behind the scene picture from BATB and is from episode 1x21
@di_MOG YES… it’s the set for a scene from Ep21 :) (From Austin Basis’s twitter [x])
Too much Epicness to even imagine. Movie ISH! -> Stay tuned! “@di_MOG do you know whats going on here? :) #batb http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BHMATvOCMAADtD5.jpg …” (From Brian White’s twitter [x])
Also it was mention of save each other forum, that the designer who deals with clothes for the show {Catherine Ashton ) tweeted she was going shopping for bathing suits
@MsStarrysky GM to u my shopping for bathing suits r done moving on to Ep 121 :) #Feasties #batbnews #BatB [x]
@Jhb_SA my lips sealed :) #Feasties (regading if the bathing suits are for the picture above} [x]
Brian also posted this cryptic tweet regarding 1x21:
Be affraid… .@BATBwriters went INNN! “@bmlourenco @di_MOG hum now i´m starting to get a bit worried… #BATB” [x]
Brian White also goes as far as tweeting this regarding the script for the season finale:
Epic. Romantic. Heavy. Shocking. Revealing. “@Ewokgrl @di_MOG can you give us some one word hints about the finale? #BATB .@BatBwriters [x]
Yes! Best TV Season Finale (plotline; cliffhanger) I have ever read. Bravo! “@di_MOG have you read the final script yet? [x]
Looks like the remaining 5 episodes are going to be AMAZING!!!