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李 海曼德 (Lee Hammond)彩铅人物画 法翻译及练习


因为每一根线条都是明暗光线的分界线,所 以更进一步的画法应该是用色块来表现明 暗,而不能有明显的线条出现。
Lee Hammond 从局部分解,教授彩铅人物 画法。顺序是鼻、嘴、耳、眼。

来自Android客户端1楼2013-04-13 23:24回复
    Mouths and teeth are very important in creating the likeness of a person. The lips and each tooth must be exactly the right size, shape, placement and color, or it won’t look like the person you are trying to represent. These exercises will give you some valuable practice. But don’t stop here—get out the magazines and keep practicing!
    嘴和牙齿在绘制人像时十分重要,嘴唇和每 一颗牙齿的大小形状所在的位置和颜色都要 必须十分准确, 否则它看起来不像你试图画的人物。这些练 习将带给你有价值的实践,不要停在这里, 多找些杂志来做练习!
    Reference Photo Study the subject’s complexion and subtle color changes in the lips. Use the grid method to draw the mouth, then carefully remove the grid lines with a kneaded eraser.
    参考照片,研究所画主题肤色嘴唇的颜色的 微妙变化,使用网格的方法来画嘴部,再小 心地用可塑橡皮将网格线擦掉。

    来自Android客户端3楼2013-04-13 23:26
      3 DEEPEN THE TONES 加深色调
      Deepen all the tones with the layering approach. Burnish White into the teeth, using a little bit of Chocolate to keep them looking natural. Add shadows to the lower teeth with some Peach. 用层层铺色法加深整体色调,用白色画牙 齿,用巧克力色使它们保持看起来自然,在 下牙齿的阴影处加一些桃色。
      【白色在白纸上不太好表现,所以空出不画 表示白色。在有色卡纸上或者较软粉质彩铅 (覆盖性较好)当然没有问题】
      Use White to burnish in the highlight areas and reflected light around the lips. Create the creases of the lips by burnishing White over the other colors with a firm touch. Do not overdo this detail because it will make the lips look aged.
      用白色磨画高光区域和唇部周围的反光区 域,要用比较实的笔触将白色盖在其他颜色 上,不要将这一步做得太过否则嘴唇看起来 会显得上年纪。

      来自Android客户端6楼2013-04-13 23:30
        纸 巨石阵 颜色 桃色 巧克力色 深棕 褚石 红棕 白
        Some students tell me that drawing the ear is the most confusing aspect of drawing a portrait. This is because most of us don’t pay much attention to this complex feature. The ear is made of many interlocking shapes, and the best way to get used to drawing it is to practice over and over. Commit the anatomy of the ears to memory—the more you draw, the better you will get!
        一些学生告诉我在绘制肖像时画耳朵是最困 惑的部分,这是因为我们大多数人在这个复 杂的特征上都不会放太多的注意力。 耳朵是由许多连锁的形状组成,画好耳朵最 好的方法是一遍又一遍的练习。记住耳朵的 解剖学结构,你画的越多,就会画得越好。
        Reference Photo Using the grid method, sketch an accurate line drawing of the reference photo. Carefully remove the grid lines using a kneaded eraser.
        参考照片 : 使用网格,对照照片使用网格 的方法用准确的线条画一个草稿,用可塑橡 皮小心地擦掉网格线。

        来自Android客户端8楼2013-04-13 23:32