Let me love and not be respected;让我爱而不受感戴,
Let me serve and not be rewarded;让我事俸而不受赏赐;
Let me labor and not be remembered;让我尽力而不被人记,
Let me suffer and not be regarded.让我受苦而不被人睹。
`Tis the pouring, not the drinking;只知倾酒,不知饮酒;
`Tis the breaking, not the keeping --只想擘饼,不想留饼。
A life suffering to seek others* blessing.倒出生命来使人得幸福,
A life loving and true comfort giving.舍弃安宁而使人得舒服。
Not expecting, pity and concern,不受体恤,不受眷顾,
Not accepting, solace and applause;不受推崇,不受安抚;
Even lonely, even forgotten.宁可凄凉,宁可孤苦,
Even wordless, even forsaken.宁可无告,宁可被负。
Tears and blood my price For the righteous crown shall be;愿意以血泪作为冠冕的代价,
Losing all, my cost for a faithful pilgrim*s life.愿意受亏损来度旅客的生涯。
*Twas the life, O Lord, that You chose to live因为当祢活在这里时,
In those days when on earth You walked.祢也是如此过日子,
Gladly suffering all injuries and loss欣然忍受一切的损失,
So that all might draw near and repose.好使近祢的人得安适。
I cannot see how much farther I shall go;我今不知前途究有多远,
Still I press on, knowing there is no return.这条道路一去就不再还原;
Let me follow Your pattern, so perfect and true,所以让我学习祢那样的完全,
Bearing ingratitudes without complaint.时常被人辜负心不生怨。
In this time of trial, oh my Lord, I pray求祢在这惨淡时期之内,
That You*d wipe all my hidden tears away;擦干我一切暗中的眼泪;
Let me learn, O Lord, You are my reward,学习知道祢是我的安慰,
Let me be others* blessing all my days.并求别人喜悦以度此岁