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【Concert in Fond Memory of KA KUI】 转载自Ah-Jeh Blog。。08年6月11日

I never thought of watching this concert, but it seems that "He" wants me to
go, coz' I got a ticket at the last mintue, well, I told myself,"yeah, I told
myself that I'd already let go, so it should be OK" I was late last nite, and I missed a couple of songs, but when I arrived I was shocked.
Everywhere was so crowded, I even can't find my seat, I asked assistance from the staff, but he still brought me to the wrong place (why would I know??
coz' I suppose going with my brother, his girlfriend Yee and his student Eric,
which I don't even see them).
It was a mess, people were standing on the chair, and just no one listened to
the hall staff. Honestly, before when am still young I also did the same thing,
standing on the seats, rush out to the stage, coz' before we were even not been
allowed to stand on our own place, everyone is just sitting down and watch.
However, now it's totally different, we can still on our own place, why not just do so. I understood since I've experienced Glay's concert in Japan, even just standing on our own place, already shown that you support them, it can also be a Good Rock n' Roll show. Why don't people just grew up?!?! Watching Rock n' Roll show or I can say "Beyond's show", it didn't meant that rushing out to the
stage is a MUST or meant that you are a Rock n' Roll lover or what.
Then around 1/3 of the show, Ka Keung had to make an annoucement that if people
just don't return to their seat the show will be cancelled, then people just
learnt or reliased that had to listen, So what for?!? making everything a mess.
I just don't get it. Back to the show, all the songs were great, and am in a good
mood, laughing with those video clips of "him" being silly, which reminded me a
lot, just like everything just happened yesterday. And also seeing "Beyond" were able to getting back together, just like before, really impressed me a lot.
I thought that I really let go with "his" away, but when I saw the video clip of "him" teaching his younger brother how to sing a song, then I just burst out to
tears. I could still remembered clearly that how do I felt that day when I
knew "he's" gone, I don't even knew how to cry. I was very regret of what I'd done / chosen that time, these 15 years I keep on say what if I.....maybe
everything will be...... Since "he's" gone, I reliased that I need to precious
everything beside me, family, friends, those who loves me, cares me, and also
something that I love; and I almost forgot about this and doing stupid things
again. I knew that "he" helped me and my brother a lot, coz' after "he" had left for 10 years....."he" gave us an opportunity. After this concert, I understood
that I can't be that stubben anymore, I knew how to let go.
Thanks a lot to a dear "brother" (this is what I always think he is)
I never shared this......... My best memories.........

1楼2013-04-17 17:39回复

    2楼2013-04-17 17:46
      给家驹的信 转载自FUNG
      偸看你们彩排吗?竟然听到你在唱 『冷雨夜』,真的比家强更好听,后来你以为我
      会门票,意外地你和家强都在,那一天,你不停地和我们说话, ,像哥哥一般亲切,
      二十年~ 今天我~ 已学懂~不伤心~往前看~活着便精彩~想做就去做~
      家驹,2012年6月,我会一边听着再见理想, 一边笑着怀念您!!

      3楼2013-04-17 17:56
        这么多年 谁都冇忘记家驹

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