缓慢翻译。。 【why did you first want to be in a band】为什么要玩乐队? i want to be in a band because i love music basically. Grow up with music in my life cause my dad is a big music fan, i started my own music taste when i was around 13 and 14 my XXX band is Metallica. since of that, that was to me, want to be a band.基本上来说,我玩乐队是因为我爱音乐。我在音乐里长的因为我父亲是一个音乐的铁粉。在13、14岁左右,我开始有我自己的音乐品味。我最初的(喜欢的?)乐队是Metallica。就从此,对我来说,想要玩乐队
【When did you realis(z)e this band was special? 】什么时候意识到这个乐队是特别的?(这段结巴听死我了日日日)I think this band for me is always special from day one. just general, to public stuff always kind of, always have the feeling of something special then, you know that about 2003,2004. There was kind of beating XXXXXX. since we start to have public touring with,you know, back in the day happened thing like a, i think it is kind of a, there was a moment that actually kind of, proved us to the X, did some special you know cause something be recorded then bfmv be the global touring for a few years.yep.我认为这个乐队从第一天来说就是特别的。总体吧,就是推向公众总是有点儿吧,总是有点儿特别的感觉的。然后,你懂得,大概2003、04年样子,开始有点儿名气了。自从我们开始公众巡演和,你懂得,回到那天开始有事情像,额,我觉得他像吧,一个瞬间真的有一点儿,证明我们的(实力?),做了些特别的事儿你懂得因为一些东西(歌)被录下来了然后之后几年乐队开始全球巡演了。就是这样。
【what would you have done if the band hadn't worked out?】如果乐队没有取得成功怎么办?If the band didn't work out. I was quite king sport person growing up especially in school.Em, so i would like to think that probably to do that. Em but music took over quite geomaticly(?) from the age of about 16 17 and i only play sports when i have time.如果乐队不成功,我从小到大是体育特别好,特别是在学校里。额,我想吧我应该会做体育有关的吧。额,但是从16、17岁开始音乐渐渐的占领了我。我只在有空的时候才运动运动了。
【Do you ever feel anxious about putting your music out into the world?】你为了把你的音乐推向世界而感到忧虑吗?I used feel nervous but now it just, it's you know music just something that honestly me and my best mates in the band we created you know mean that is not nervous thing, that it enjoyable thing. 我曾经感到过不安但是现在,它,你懂得音乐嘛其实事实上就是我和我们乐队里最好的伙伴创造的东西所以你懂得这不是令人不安的东西,这是让人享受的事儿。
【Have you ever felt like you weren't going to make it back from a tour?】你曾经感到过你会在某个巡演中回不来吗?Yap, we have experience that about couple of crazy things on tour. like really obey things we've passed in 2000 and e, what was that, 2011,XX earthquake in Japan, in March. Just we something gone to XX ,yep, that was scared, stuff like that can be so massive so scared. that was one, one point until we think we didn't come back. That was scared,fuck.有。我们有几个巡演中的疯狂经历。像是有些不可反抗的事情在两千,多少来着,2011年,三月的日本XX(地名)地震。我们去在那里(要举行两次演出)。嗯,太可怕了,那样的事情非常混乱非常可怕。这个是一次,一次现在想可能回不来的事情。太口怕了,草。( ̄Д ̄)ノ