update netcat 1.13 to 1.14
modify by chenghao0511%gmail.com 2013/05/04
remote:nc -lp 55 < doexec.c
local:nc ip 55 > test.c
remote:nc -lp 55 < doexec.c
_ [can not type in]
local:nc ip 55 > test.c
_ [can type in,remote out]
you can use:
nc -lp 66 < doexec.c
nc -C 66 >test.c
nc -lp 66 > test1.c
nc -C 66 < doexec.c
how to update:
unsigned int o_wait = 0;
USHORT o_zero = 0;
+USHORT o_connect = 0;
rr = recv (fd, bigbuf_net, BIGSIZ, 0);
if (rr <= 0) {
Debug (("recv rr <= 0 "))
+ if (_isatty( 1 ) == 0) /* > recv = 0,fix by chenghao0511#gmail.com*/
+ exit(0);
FD_CLR (fd, ding1); /* net closed, we'll finish up... */
rr = read (0, bigbuf_in, BIGSIZ);
if (rr <= 0) { /* at end, or fukt, or ... */
close (0);
+ shutdown(fd, 0x02); /* by chenghao0511 */
+ closesocket (fd);
+ if(o_connect)
+ exit(0);
+ return (0);
} else {
rzleft = rr;
zp = bigbuf_in;
case 'C': /* connect then cycle back to start instead of exiting */
+ o_connect = 1;
cycle = 1;
modify by chenghao0511%gmail.com 2013/05/04
remote:nc -lp 55 < doexec.c
local:nc ip 55 > test.c
remote:nc -lp 55 < doexec.c
_ [can not type in]
local:nc ip 55 > test.c
_ [can type in,remote out]
you can use:
nc -lp 66 < doexec.c
nc -C 66 >test.c
nc -lp 66 > test1.c
nc -C 66 < doexec.c
how to update:
unsigned int o_wait = 0;
USHORT o_zero = 0;
+USHORT o_connect = 0;
rr = recv (fd, bigbuf_net, BIGSIZ, 0);
if (rr <= 0) {
Debug (("recv rr <= 0 "))
+ if (_isatty( 1 ) == 0) /* > recv = 0,fix by chenghao0511#gmail.com*/
+ exit(0);
FD_CLR (fd, ding1); /* net closed, we'll finish up... */
rr = read (0, bigbuf_in, BIGSIZ);
if (rr <= 0) { /* at end, or fukt, or ... */
close (0);
+ shutdown(fd, 0x02); /* by chenghao0511 */
+ closesocket (fd);
+ if(o_connect)
+ exit(0);
+ return (0);
} else {
rzleft = rr;
zp = bigbuf_in;
case 'C': /* connect then cycle back to start instead of exiting */
+ o_connect = 1;
cycle = 1;