“I think the fans began to see the real me at the start of the Championship season,” he says. “I had a very good pre-season, and I put everything in place for me to become a better player and to progress.
“我觉得粉丝开始渐渐了解我了,我也努力使自己更好。 ”
“In League 1 I started to understand the game better and how to manage things, but it was in the Championship that I really began. I felt good in my body and, for me, that’s the most important thing.
“在英甲我能更好的了解比赛,但是在英冠我的收获更多,我觉得我的身体协调的很好,这很重要。 ”
“I trust in my ability and my skills, so it’s important to feel good physically and to be able to run,” he reasons. “When I first came to the club, I couldn’t do that – I couldn’t finish games because I was tired.
“我相信我的能力和技术,而且我的体能也越来越好了,刚来时我没法完成整场比赛。” “In England you play such an open game,whereas it’s more tactical in France, and there was my lifestyle as well. When I came here at 18, I was alone so my lifestyle was not the same as it is now. I didn’t know what to do after a game or on my day off, so maybe I didn’t do the right things.
“You know it within yourself – everyone was saying to me that I was technically very good but I needed to do this and that. I spoke to my family and told them my problems, and they told me to put everything in place.