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IP属地:浙江1楼2013-05-05 17:23回复
    二楼给吧友@吕子水手 没有你就没有这份稿子

    IP属地:浙江2楼2013-05-05 17:24
      Feature interview:morgan schneiderlin
      If everything Nicola said would happen to me when I signed a new contract comes true, then the next few years will be even better than the last."
      Morgan Schneiderlin
      Morgan Schneiderlin has spent much of his Southampton career dealing with sceptics.
      After a year at the club, at the age of 19, he found himself under pressure from his national team bosses to consider whether this was the right place to be. Having moved from Strasbourg in June 2008, he did not come to England to play in the third division. 他在俱乐部一年后,摩根19岁了,他在他的母队承受了巨大的压力,这使他思考他是否该留下。08年6月,摩根搬到了斯特拉斯堡,他没去英格兰打第三级别联赛。(是因为摩根以前在斯特拉斯堡踢法丙)
      A year later, that was the prospect he was faced with after the club’s relegation to League 1. With a ten-point deduction imposed ahead of the new season, the prospect of immediate promotion back to the Championship was seemingly bleak.
      For all the skills that regular football had allowed him to nurture during his first season with Saints, Schneiderlin had a decision to make.
      “It was a big time,” recalls the midfielder, now 23 and approaching the five-year anniversary of his arrival in England. “Everyone around me in France was telling me that I needed to go.
      “But I was the one responsible for the club going down. With the club having paid big money for me, I couldn’t come here for a year and then leave like nothing had happened. I wouldn’t be able to look myself in the mirror.

      IP属地:浙江3楼2013-05-05 17:30
        “It was amazing. That’s England – in the third division in France, you won’t see a pitch like that. You can tell that people love football here, so it’s a dream for every player in France to play in England. You have the atmosphere that every single player wants to play in.”
        “这真是太神奇了,这是英格兰!在法丙你是看不到像这样的球场的,因此你可想而知,这儿的人们有多热爱足球,这是每个法国踢球者的梦想。 ”
        Plucked from Strasbourg – where he had already made five first-team appearances despite his tender years – he arrived at a club desperately trying to return to the Premier League, but also one that was beset by financial difficulties.
        Unable to speak with his new teammates because of his limited English, Morgan spent much of his time trying to learn the language – albeit in a rather unconventional way.
        “When I first came here, I didn’t have a clue,” he says, “so I tried to put myself in an English lifestyle – I had English television, English music and English movies to make sure I learned as quickly as possible.
        “You’re also alone at night and you can’t call anyone to do anything, but I was quite lucky to be in a squad where everyone was quite young. They took care of me and they didn’t leave me alone, to be honest.

        IP属地:浙江6楼2013-05-05 17:49
          “But I just couldn’t communicate. It was very hard because you just don’t know what people are saying. You want to joke and to start conversations but you just can’t, so that was very hard.
          “You learn English at school, but there are different accents and things so it’s hard. I remember watching Oz – a series about a prison in America – in English with French subtitles in my hotel room in Chilworth. They were long days, so I had to do something.
          “你在学校学习英语,但是口音这玩意相当困难,我看一美剧,当然是用法国字幕,太悲剧了,我必须得做些什么。 ”
          “People might laugh, but it does help you understand better. I didn’t take any lessons, so it clearly worked. Now I have French TV because I’m allowed to!”
          “也许人们会笑话我,但是确实帮到我了,我不用再去上课了,我拥有了我专属的法国电视,这是被允许的! ”
          On the pitch, things were not going to plan. “I remember some games when, even if I couldn’t speak English, I could understand what was being said in the dressing room,” he says.
          “在球场吗,计划赶不上变化,虽然我听不懂他们说什么,但是我理解他们所说的意思。 ”
          “There were some very big arguments between players because we were fighting for our lives to stay in the league. You have a pay cut when you go down so everyone was thinking about their families and their careers, so it was a big thing.

          IP属地:浙江7楼2013-05-05 17:50
            我擦 先去上课了

            IP属地:浙江9楼2013-05-05 17:52
              “I had no doubt that we would be able to get back into the Championship,” says Schneiderlin, “and, once that happened, everyone was asking me whether we’d be able to get into the Premier League.
              “毫无疑问我们回到了英冠,人们就开始期待我们是否能回到英超。 ”
              “Everyone in France was still telling me there was no chance – maybe in two or three years. At the start of the season, people said that we were a good team but we wouldn’t be able to go up.
              “在法国人们总是和我说,我在圣徒话是没前途的,他们说这是一个好的球队但是他们是否还会前进,不置可否。 ”
              “I said ‘yeah, you’ll see’. We said that we wanted to get into the Premier League, and people were laughing at us but they saw from our first games that we were better than they thought. It was an unbelievable season once again.
              “我和他们说等着瞧吧,结果事实证明,我是对的。 ”
              “We had a strong squad and we knew each other. For example, I’d played with Adam for three years so I knew every move he was going to make and exactly where he wanted the ball – and it was becoming the same with Rickie.
              “我们配合的很默契。比如说我和拉拉纳踢了三年比赛,我总是能知道他要去哪,球到哪,和兰伯特也是一样。 ”
              “We knew each other so well that it was just a logical thing. Since going down, we had built a chemistry and an understanding.”
              Having previously struggled to complete games and to make the impression he’d have liked to, Schneiderlin believes things began to go right on a personal level, too.

              IP属地:浙江10楼2013-05-05 20:33
                “I think the fans began to see the real me at the start of the Championship season,” he says. “I had a very good pre-season, and I put everything in place for me to become a better player and to progress.
                “我觉得粉丝开始渐渐了解我了,我也努力使自己更好。 ”
                “In League 1 I started to understand the game better and how to manage things, but it was in the Championship that I really began. I felt good in my body and, for me, that’s the most important thing.
                “在英甲我能更好的了解比赛,但是在英冠我的收获更多,我觉得我的身体协调的很好,这很重要。 ”
                “I trust in my ability and my skills, so it’s important to feel good physically and to be able to run,” he reasons. “When I first came to the club, I couldn’t do that – I couldn’t finish games because I was tired.
                “我相信我的能力和技术,而且我的体能也越来越好了,刚来时我没法完成整场比赛。” “In England you play such an open game,whereas it’s more tactical in France, and there was my lifestyle as well. When I came here at 18, I was alone so my lifestyle was not the same as it is now. I didn’t know what to do after a game or on my day off, so maybe I didn’t do the right things.
                “You know it within yourself – everyone was saying to me that I was technically very good but I needed to do this and that. I spoke to my family and told them my problems, and they told me to put everything in place.

                IP属地:浙江11楼2013-05-05 20:34
                  “The day before the City game was probably the most nervous I’ve been all season. We were wondering whether we could cope against them – they had just won the title the year before, and they’d shown they were one of the strongest teams in the world.
                  “对阵曼城可能是我这赛季最紧张的了,我们总是意淫能够战胜他们,他们曾拿过英超冠军,是史上最强的球队之一。 ”
                  “When we went from League 1 to the Championship, we said we were going to have a good year and that’s what happened. When we went into the Premier League, we said we were going to be the new Swansea and everyone was going to see what we are – but it doesn’t happen like that in the Premier League.
                  “当我们从英甲到英冠再到英超,人们说我们是新的斯旺西,但是在英超不是我们所想的那样。 ”
                  “For the first three-or-four games, we thought a little bit too much about how we were going to play and maybe that’s why we lost those games. The players are better and you get punished for every mistake you make.
                  “前几场比赛,我们认为这有点难,我们不知道如何去踢比赛,因此我们都输了,你要为你犯的错误接受惩罚。 ”
                  “I never thought we’d get relegated but you do question yourself,” he continues. “I remember the game against West Ham that they were quite a few points in front of us after we’d lost four-one to them.
                  “我从不觉得我们会降级,但是有时还是会这么问自己,就像对西汉姆的比赛,我们有一些机会,可是我们错失了。 ”
                  “But we knew we had the quality to do something. We knew from the game against Aston Villa at home (which Saints won four-one) that we were better than them, for example.

                  IP属地:浙江13楼2013-05-05 20:39

                    非鱼乐队的愤怒的葡萄 感觉好合适

                    IP属地:浙江16楼2013-05-05 21:01