Once there lived a girl. Her name was Wendy darling. She looked very pretty, just like a little flower. She had two younger brothers, John and Michael. They were very happy with their mother.There was one more in their family, a big dog called Nana. She bathed and dressed the children like a nurse. She looked care of them all the time.Wendy shared a nursery with her brothers. At bedtime, she told her brothers stories about a faraway place, the Never land. The Never land was a make-believe island. It was filled with lots of jolly places and interesting people. The most wonderful of all was peter pan, a boy who never grew up.One day Mrs. Darling asked, ‘who is peter pan?’ Wendy told her mother that he was a boy and he was just her size. Wendy said that some nights peter came in and sat on the foot of her bed, playing his pipes for her. The nest evening Nana had gone out. Mrs. Darling sang to her children. They had dropped off to sleep early. All were looking so safe and cozy. She smiled and sat down by the fire to sew.Suddenly the window of the nursery blew open, and a boy landed on the floor. Mrs. Darling screamed, and at that moment the door opened. Nana entered she was too late to catch him, for he flew out the window. But she caught his shadow.