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“莫非死人你也怕?”Ser Waymar Royce轻笑着问。
Ser Waymar Royce漫不经心地看了看天色,“每天不都是这样?Gared,你不会是怕黑吧?”

1楼2013-05-16 22:41回复
    The first time he had been sent beyond, all the old stories had come rushing back, and his bowels had turned to water.

    3楼2013-05-19 19:40
      Ser Waymar Royce出身贵族世家,排行老幺,上面有多个哥哥姐姐。他年方十八,有双灰色瞳仁,俊朗优雅,消瘦得如同一柄刚出鞘的薄刀。他骑在那匹高头大马上,看起来比Gared和Will高上许多。他穿着黑色皮制长筒靴,黑色羊毛裤,黑色鼹鼠皮手套,黑色羊毛衫外头是硬皮甲,又罩了一件闪闪发光的黑色环甲。Ser Waymar宣誓成为守夜人还不满半年,但这身行头说明他确实是有备而来。

      4楼2013-05-19 20:38
        His cloak was his crowning glory; sable, thick and black and soft as sin. “Bet he killed them allhimself, he did,” Gared told the barracks over wine, “twisted their little heads off, our mighty warrior.”They had all shared the laugh.
        It is hard to take orders from a man you laughed at in your cups, Will reflected as he satshivering atop his garron. Gared must have felt the same.

        6楼2013-05-20 15:58
          Talks aim to ease visas for Chinese
          Home Office ministers are to start talks with Chinese tour operators in the hope of setting up an easier visa application system for groups of high-spending Asian shoppers who are discouraged by the UK’s border bureaucracy.
          The department has been under pressure from luxury retailers to streamline the process for Chinese tourists, who can enter most of continental Europe with just one Schengen visa and are therefore less likely to apply for a separate UK entry.
          As a result France receives at least 25 per cent more Chinese tourists each year than Britain.
          Mark Harper, immigration minister, said yesterday that he hoped to begin discussions soon.
          “It’s just thinking about, practically, what can we do with the tour operators to enable them to make that process for getting both [UK and Schengen] visas as straightforward as possible,” he said.
          “We may not be able to get it to be perfect, but we can get it to be a lot better than it is now, which then makes us a lot more competitive.”
          However, Mr Harper suggested that a previous idea of negotiating “parallel” processes – so that data for Schengen and UK visas could be submitted in one joint application – was looking less likely. This was because “you start running into issues about government IT projects and complex issues about data protection”, he said.
          Mark Henderson, of UK China Visa Alliance, the retailers’ lobby, said the proposals for tour operators would be very welcome.
          “只是要考虑下,在实际操作中,我们怎样能帮助旅游业人士,让他们能便捷地同时申请(英国和Schengen )签证”
          但是,MrXX在早前协商会上提议的“并行申请”流程——共享资料并同时申请英国和Schengen签证——目前看上去不太可能实现。这是因为,“这关乎政府IT项目,以及数据保护方面的复杂问题。” 他说。

          7楼2013-05-20 21:39

            “Mormont said as we should track them, and we did,” Gared said. “They’re dead. They shan’t trouble us no more. There’s hard riding before us. I don’t like this weather. If it snows, we could be a fortnight getting back, and snow’s the best we can hope for. Ever seen an ice storm, my lord?”
            The lordling seemed not to hear him. He studied the deepening twilight in that half-bored, half- distracted way he had. Will had ridden with the knight long enough to understand that it was best not to interrupt him when he looked like that. “Tell me again what you saw, Will. All the details. Leave nothing out.”

            9楼2013-05-21 19:40
              冰与火之歌 接十楼
              “Or sleeping,” Royce suggested.
              “Fallen,” Will insisted. “There’s one
              woman up an ironwood(硬木,halfhid in the branches. A far- eyes.” He smiled thinly. “I took care she never saw me. When I got closer, I saw that she wasn’t moving neither.” Despite himself, he shivered.
              “You have a chill?” Royce asked.
              “Some,” Will muttered. “The wind, m’lord.”

              12楼2013-05-22 21:55
                Reform can end loose talk of a Chinese revolution
                By Deng Yuwen
                Without constitutional rule, the country will struggle to avoid turbulence, says Deng Yuwen
                There are few books as popular among Chinese intellectuals and officials these days as Alexis de Tocqueville’s L’Ancien Régime et la Révolution. The 19th-century historian postulated that the unprecedented prosperity France enjoyed under Louis XVI, its final pre-revolt king, actually hastened the 1789 French revolution.
                This seems to have relevance for China. Many people say there is a possibility of revolution in China in the next 10 years. That revolution is being discussed again at all – an idea to which China’s intelligentsia bade farewell in the 1990s – shows how enormously our country has changed over the past decade.
                Indeed, when we discuss revolution today, the target is the ruling Communist party – an irony given that the party long monopolised the definition of revolution. The renewed talk of revolution also shows that without constitutional rule, China will struggle to break free from the cycles of turbulence that have dominated its history.
                But while there appear to be revolutionary sparks flying around in China right now, major changes are not likely. An armed uprising like the one that established Communist party rule is impossible. And while the possibility of peaceful regime change exists, it is very unlikely within the next 10 years.
                Generally, revolutions occur when several factors are at play. First, economic crisis triggers a sharp deterioration in the living conditions of the majority of the people, with no improvement in sight. Second, people have been preparing for revolution for a long time, the public believes a change will come and opinion leaders have a consensus in favour of revolution. Third, the ruling party’s ability to govern has been in continuous decline, it cannot adapt to people’s expectations and requirements, it has lost its moral image and authority, and it experiences a serious crisis of legitimacy.
                So, first, will China eventually experience an economic crisis? If the current economic model is not changed fundamentally, that is likely. But the government has been trying hard to correct the distorted economic structure and any plausible crisis would not be serious enough to cause prolonged recession.
                Second, there is little consensus in China about the need for revolution. Although Chinese liberals loathe the regime, they generally oppose revolution and prefer reform. The revolutions in China’s modern history caused so much upheaval and suffering that another one is the least preferred option.
                Third, although people do indeed worry about governance, it is an exaggeration to say that the government is losing its capacity to rule. And if the state is still able to cope with people’s demands for greater rights after launching reform, a revolution will not happen.
                The party has shown a strong sense of crisis and has been making an effort to adapt to changes. In recent years, it has been stressing that new ways must be found to manage unrest. Although the results are not great, at least it shows the party’s awareness in this regard.
                The party’s current resources easily allow it to put down any planned revolution. The internet has helped educate people, strengthened civil rights and created technical tools to push for revolution – but it has also enabled the ruling party to better monitor revolutionaries.
                There are other factors in Chinese society adverse to revolution – not least some of the party’s policies. It is strengthening social security, building up a system that reflects the value of equality. Although political freedom is tightly restricted, economic freedom still exists – and most people care more about that.
                The country’s administrative structure is also in the party’s favour. Local governments have been wasteful and aggravated corruption but they also play a buffer role, absorbing blame and discontent. This gives Beijing room to manoeuvre.
                Furthermore, the ageing population will damp any revolutionary fervour. Young people are relatively more idealistic and passionate, while older groups are more conservative and dislike turbulence.
                Of course, if the ruling party and government’s governance deteriorates, or if they make major policy mistakes, no one can guarantee that a revolution will not break out. Besides, even if a nationwide upheaval can be avoided, fierce social turbulence might still arise locally. If the ruling party fails to cope with these outbursts, they could snowball into a revolution.
                So while revolution is unlikely, the Communist party needs to plan ahead, introducing policies and plans that guard against plausible revolutionary scenarios. This means more freedom of speech and political freedom, improving governance, raising living standards and reducing inequality. The more political and social reform that takes place, the less likely it is that China will have another revolution.

                16楼2013-05-24 08:50
                  这是因为TPP自己本身也是个政治项目。比如日本,加入TPP的决定性因素是其中没有中国。安倍,把这看做是一个进入大国行列的机会。前不久他宣布日本加入TPP时曾说,TPP将保障日本的“安全”——而这根本不是它的职权——并说TPP的成员们拥有“自由、民主、基本人权、法治”的价值观。这很明显是针对中国的发言,不过似乎无视了TPP试图说服越南(独裁的共产主义国家)和 文莱(伊斯兰国家)加入。
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                  17楼2013-05-25 17:01

                    18楼2013-06-02 22:32