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1楼2013-06-12 17:24回复
    Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Man
    and Computer by commenting on the saying, “The real danger is not that the
    computer will begin to think like man, but that man will begin to think like the
    computer.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
    2012 年12 月六级作文阅卷发现,man and computer 这篇作文的跑题率在80%
    本次考试所给话语为“The real danger is not that the computer will begin to
    think like man, but that man will begin to think like the computer.”话题为Man and
    Computer. 重点为but 之后的man will think like the computer, 即,如果人的思考
    1) 写计算机对人类生活、工作、学习的影响或利弊,但未能从think 即
    2) 受与本次作文相似出题形式的2011 年12 月四级作文Nothing
    succeeds without a strong will 和2011 年12 六级作文The way to
    success 的影响,部分考生写成“计算机”和“人类的成功”关系。
    3) 生搬硬套:将本次作文写成“观点对比”或“问题解决”型作文,导
    4) 受预测作文影响,写“计算机不可能替换人类,因为人类是计算机的
    5) “最幼稚”型跑题:将man 理解为“男人”,将文章写成“两性情感

    2楼2013-06-12 17:25
      Some experts utter a thought-provoking remark: “The real danger is not that
      the computer will begin to think like man, but that man will begin to think like the
      computer.” This saying can be naturally associated with the significance of
      creativity: if one intends to be creative, it is not advisable to think like a machine.
      二段:阐述主旨: man and computer = 现象+危害
      (现象)In contemporary society, it has become a trend for computers to be
      designed increasingly smart. Meanwhile, a growing number of people deem it
      rather convenient and efficient to use computers to deal with various complex tasks.
      ( 危害) Unfortunately, many individuals have become too dependent on
      computers, and if we let this situation continue as it is, humans may lose their
      own creativity. (意义)However, it is of great significance for us to maintain
      creative minds. It is creativity that enables human beings to invent computers, to
      be superior and to be masters in the world.Without creativity, it is impossible for
      us to create smarter computers and other devices. Therefore, if man tends to think
      like computer, it is a real danger. (123)
      As a college student, I am convinced that it is of great necessity for humans
      to keep a creative mind.Accordingly, we should educate, advocate and encourage
      our classmates, friends and acquaintances to practice their independent thinking

      3楼2013-06-12 17:25
        ☆主题句1:Why does this phenomenon happen? A number of factors can account for
        主题句2:In general, there are several factors contributing to this phenomenon(, but
        the following may be the most critical).
        ☆主题句3:It is evident that the causes of this phenomenon are diverse.
        主题句4:To solve/deal with this worrying/disturbing issue, it is of vital significance
        to determine /explore / investigate the possible reasons.
        ☆原因1:In the first place, ___________ is the root cause. A good case in point is
        that _________________________________. (原因+现象描述)
        ☆原因2:In the second place, _____ constitutes another major cause. Specifically/To
        be specific, as ____, they deem that ______means _____________________. (原因+
        ☆原因3:(强调句式)Then, it is _____ that makes /attracts/ enables/ helps _______
        to expand/ build up ___.
        原因4: Besides, ________aims at/targets at boosting/ enhancing ________.
        ☆原因5:As a matter of fact, ______in mounting/ large numbers have not come to
        realize the significance /necessity of _____
        ☆原因总结1:As a consequence, _______ pay relatively less(more) attention to
        原因总结2:Consequently, ____ has (not) been emphasized.
        ☆总结句1: In view of the seriousness of the situation, effective measures should
        be taken (before things get worse).
        总结句2:Therefore/Thus/Hence/Accordingly, it is high time that we took feasible
        steps to stop/ limit/ restrain this trend.
        总结句3:In fact, people’s/our ways to ___________ do vary/differ.(☆替换:1. As
        a ____, I am convinced that there are various ways in which
        _____________________. 或2. It is apparent that ways to ___________ are
        various.)Some _____; some ______; some others _____.
        ☆建议1:First, it is essential that regulations should be worked out and enforced to
        建议2 : Second, it is suggested that public should enhance/ promote/ cultivate/
        strengthen their awareness of __________.
        建议3:Then, it is advisable/significant for ________ to ________
        建议4: ( 社会)The society as a whole should forge an over-all atmosphere of
        accepting, appreciating the sense of ___________.
        ☆ 建议5 :( 个人) Lastly, ________should educate, advocate and encourage
        ___________________________ (not) to ______________.
        展望未来1 : Only by doing so/ Only through these measures, can we
        __________________________. (慎用:因为很多人都写这个结尾)
        ☆展望未来2:If we try our utmost to do so, the future of ____ will be promising/
        hopeful/ rosy.
        ☆展望未来3:Do bear in mind: no __________, no ______________.
        支持方观点(利)= 主题句+具体好处(利)
        支持方主题句1 :Some argue that it is absolutely necessary to ______ (because
        ☆支持方主题句2:A number of individuals favor /prefer_____ owing to its/their
        支持方主题句3 : Those who are in favor of ____ claim that _____carries a lot
        ☆支持方观点(利)1:In their eyes, without ________, it is impossible for them to
        ☆ 支持方观点( 利)2: In addition, it is ______ that enables _____ to expand/
        strengthen / enjoy / enrich / attract _____________.
        ☆支持方观点(利)3: As a _____, _______ brings us _____, arouses our enthusiasm
        for _______, and helps us to ____________. .
        支持方观点( 利)4 : In their opinion, _____ will definitely promote the
        development/efficiency of _____, which otherwise would be impossible.
        支持方观点(利)5:Another evident advantage/ merit/ strength/ benefit is that ____
        may offer /provide/bring entertainment/ pleasure/ an enjoyable life.
        ☆ 主题句1 : Even so, others hold a different view that ____ carries some risks/
        主题句2:Others, however, regard it differently.
        主题句3:Advantageous/beneficial/rewarding/good/popular as it is, others have an
        opposite perspective.
        主题句4:In spite of all these claims, others maintain that it is unnecessary to ____
        反方观点(弊)1:First and foremost, _________ means a great amount of time, money
        and energy; therefore, _____ may be disturbed/ ignored.
        ☆反方观点(弊)2:First, ____ means or equals plenty of time, energy and money;
        nonetheless/however, the result/quality/ reality of _____is not as satisfactory as
        ☆ 反方观点( 弊)3 : In addition, what worries many parents/teachers is that
        Ⅲ段:我的观点3 句=我的观点+理由+展望未来
        ☆我的观点1:By and large, the advantages derived from _______ far outweigh the
        disadvantages .
        我的观点2:To my understanding, never can be superstitious about _________.
        ☆我的观点3:As a college student, I am convinced that it is of great (no) necessity
        for us to ____.
        我的观点4 :( 折中型) Who is right? I think there is something right in both
        arguments. However, what convinces me is that we should ____ firstly. Then, we are
        also expected to _______.
        阐述意义段(利):主题句+具体意义1+具体意义2 +总结
        主题句1:Apparently enough, it is of great significance for _______ to ________.
        主题句2:______ is the key to ______, and it can be likened to a road to _______.☆具体意义1:被动+强调句式:_____ can be best characterized by ______; thus, it
        is ______ that enables/ helps us to build up _____________.
        build up--> consolidate/ strengthen/ enrich / expand / broaden / sharpen /contribute to
        speed --> confidence/ optimism/ experience/ horizon/ vision/ scope of knowledge/
        harmony/ chances of success.
        具体意义2:Without this quality/ virtue/ awareness, it is impossible for _____ to
        ☆具体意义3. (As a vital virtue/ quality/ awareness,) _____ brings us power, arouses
        our enthusiasm (for ____), and helps us to live a better life.
        ☆具体意义4. Actually/As a matter of fact/ In fact, ___ people in mounting numbers
        have come to realize the importance / convenience of ______.
        具体意义5:Furthermore, _____ can enrich our life/ knowledge/ experience, broaden
        our horizon/vision, strengthen our awareness of _____ and expand our scope of
        总结句: To sum up, there can be no achievement which is not based on a solid
        foundation of practice.

        4楼2013-06-12 17:40
          it is of great significance for

          来自Android客户端5楼2013-06-13 20:23
            Given is a thoughprovoking cartoon: looking at herself in the mirror, the old grandma feels lonely, because her son goes to work and her grandson goes to school.
            Obviously, this cartoon can be naturally associated with the old parents’ loneliness: if elders intend to enjoy happiness, it is advisable for youngsters to accompany them. In contemporary society, it has become a trend for young people to be busy with their work and study. In the meanwhile, an increasing number of adults find it hard to have time for parents or families. However, it is children’s care that enables old parents to build up adequate hope, passion and courage for life. As a matter of fact, people in large numbers have not come to realize the loneliness of the old in life.
            As a youngster, I am convinced that it is of great necessity for us to devote love and time to parents. Accordingly, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends, classmates and acquaintances to respect and care all elderly people. Sparing no efforts to do so, we will witness a hopeful and promising future of senior citizens(老年人).

            6楼2013-06-15 13:22
              Given is a thought-provoking remark: “if tradition can be likened to the tree root and trunk, innovation is the leaf and fruit.” Obviously, this saying can be naturally associated with the close relation between tradition and innovation: if we intend to be innovative, it is advisable for us to absorb from the traditional wisdom. 二段:意义阐述+现象 In contemporary society, it has become a trend for youngsters to focus on innovative products, like smart computers, digital cameras and so on. In the meanwhile, an increasing number of young people find it exceedingly hard or boring to understand traditional cultures. However, tradition is the root of innovation. Then, it is traditional wisdom that enables modern people to build up adequate intelligence, knowledge to create new products. As a matter of fact, wise people in large numbers have come to realize the significance of tradition in modern life. 尾段:观点+建议 As a college student, I am convinced that it is of great necessity to combine tradition and innovation. To be specific, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends, classmates and acquaintances to review more history for better innovation. Do bear in mind: the leaf and fruit can not live without tree root and trunk. (236 words)

              7楼2013-06-15 13:23
                The Impact of the Internet on Interpersonal Communication
                Given is a cartoon which illustrates a rather interesting scene: the father,
                sitting in sofa, asks about his daughter’s school life, with an expectation of talking
                with her; however, to his disappointment, the girl simply responds with a rejection:
                “You can read all about it on my blog.”
                This cartoon can be naturally associated with impacts of Internet on
                interpersonal communication.(图画联系主题)On the one hand, Internet brings us
                great convenience and helps us to remove the obstacles of distance in
                communication. It is Internet that enables people in different places to keep in touch
                with each other.Without Internet, it is impossible for them to keep instant contact
                with others.( 利) On the other hand, this phenomenon is particularly worth
                concern for the background that people, like the daughter in cartoon, may focus
                too much eyesight on Internet, totally turning a blind eye to face-to-face
                communication. What worries many experts is that Interpersonal communication
                may be alienated and indifferent. (弊)
                In contemporary society, it has become a trend for people to communicate via
                Internet. Meanwhile, an increasing number of individuals deem it convenient, fast
                and fashionable to chat online. (现象)However, I am convinced that we should
                educate, advocate and encourage our friends, classmates and acquaintances to spend
                more time talking or chatting face to face(. 建议)Do bear in mind: Internet is merely
                a tool.

                8楼2013-06-15 13:24
                  1.将统计总体按某一标志进行分组后,其结果为( C )。
                  A.组内同质性,组间同质性 B.组内差异性,组间差异性
                  C.组内同质性,组间差异性 D.组内差异性,组间同质性
                  2.连续型变量在确定组限时,相邻组的组限必须( B )。
                  A.间断 B.重叠 C.相等 D.不等
                  3.计算向上累计次数或频率时,其累计数表达的意义为( A )。
                  A.上限以下的累计次数或频率 B.上限以上的累计次数或频率 C.下限以下的累计次数或频率 D.下限以上的累计次数或频率
                  1.在组距数列中,组中值是( ABC)。
                  2.某地区的工厂按经济类型进行分组,分组标志的名称应写在统计表的( CD)。
                  A.总标题栏 B.纵列标题栏
                  C.横行标题栏 D.主词栏

                  9楼2013-06-18 17:52
                    1.某商场2000年空调销售量为6500台,库存年末比年初减少100台,则这两个总量指标是( A )。
                    A.前者是时期指标,后者是时点指标 B.时期指标
                    C.前者是时点指标,后者是时期指标 D.时点指标
                    2.将某校各班按出勤率分组,已知各组出勤人数,要计算平均出勤率,则应采用( D )计算。
                    A.简单算术平均数 B.加权算术平均数
                    C.简单调和平均数 D.加权调和平均数 3.由反映总体各单位数量特征的标志值汇总得出的指标是( B )。
                    A.总体单位总量 B.总体标志总量
                    C.质量指标 D.相对指标 4.某企业工人劳动生产率计划提高5%,实际提高10%,则提高生产率的计划完成程度为( A )。
                    A.104.76% B.95.45%
                    C.200% D.76% 简答:

                    10楼2013-06-18 17:52
                      3. 分析内容(侧重点)

                      11楼2013-06-18 17:52

                        来自手机贴吧12楼2014-11-19 22:57

                          14楼2016-03-07 17:18

                            来自iPhone客户端15楼2017-05-16 12:09