数不到绵羊一双一对吧 关注:2贴子:633



林宥嘉的歌声里透露出一股迷幻的哀伤,他的歌大多数都是那种比较迷幻类型的,听起来让人觉得很伤心很没劲,所以也有挺多人不喜欢他的。不过个人还是挺喜欢他的,他的唱功在年青一代的歌手中已经算是佼佼者了,尤其是他的一些真假音转换的技巧,听了让人回味无穷。而且他的风格,很难被人模仿,就算模仿了也模仿不出他的迷幻FEEL 这也他区别于其他歌手的傲人之处。

来自Android客户端16楼2013-08-23 11:51
    Everybody look to their left (yeah)
    Everybody look to their right (ha)
    Can you feel that (yeah)
    Well pay them with love tonight…
    It's not about the money' money' money
    We don't need your money' money' money
    We just wanna make the world dance'
    Forget about the Price Tag

    17楼2013-08-23 23:39
      Everybody look to their left (yeah)
      Everybody look to their right (ha)
      Can you feel that (yeah)
      Well pay them with love tonight…
      It's not about the money' money' money
      We don't need your money' money' money
      We just wanna make the world dance'
      Forget about the Price Tag

      18楼2013-08-23 23:40
        Everybody look to their left (yeah)
        Everybody look to their right (ha)
        Can you feel that (yeah)
        Well pay them with love tonight…
        It's not about the money' money' money
        We don't need your money' money' money
        We just wanna make the world dance'
        Forget about the Price Tag

        19楼2013-08-23 23:40
          And I just can't believe we ain't together
          And I wanna play it cool
          But I'm losin' you
          I'll buy you anything
          I'll buy you any ring
          Cause I'm in pieces

          20楼2013-08-23 23:40
            And I just can't believe we ain't together
            And I wanna play it cool
            But I'm losin' you
            I'll buy you anything
            I'll buy you any ring
            Cause I'm in pieces

            21楼2013-08-23 23:40
              And I just can't believe we ain't together
              And I wanna play it cool
              But I'm losin' you
              I'll buy you anything
              I'll buy you any ring
              Cause I'm in pieces

              22楼2013-08-23 23:41

                来自Android客户端23楼2013-08-27 18:03
                  理科校园内,女生用无法置信的口吻问男生 :“你真的要 和我分手?你不会后悔吗?这可 是理科学院啊。”男生听后,洒然一 笑:“后悔? 怎么可能,在理科学院这么久了,你以为我喜欢 的还是女人吗

                  来自Android客户端24楼2013-08-29 11:28
                    一个人 一座城 一个寂寞的时辰
                    能不能 别再问 让我安静的沉沦

                    IP属地:湖北25楼2013-09-10 10:38
                      You see the world is out there waiting for me
                      that's why I wanna be as free as can be!

                      IP属地:湖北26楼2013-09-10 10:39