R酱 C酱 介意补充吗?
@死神◇◆陌暧迭 @死神◇◆染瞳释【Say Hello】Rosie Thomas

清新的吉他,优美的钢琴,婉转柔和的声线,这个来自西雅图的美丽女人给民谣界带来了不同以往的声音。Rosie Thomas很早就确立了她精致的特点鲜明的曲风,她的歌声中总是隐隐透着些沧桑感,尽管曲风清新但却有股成熟女人的韵味在里面,真假声的变换频繁却又不让人觉得腻,反而成为她最具标志性的嗓音特点。没有雕琢的成分,即兴的味道颇浓,当然,不变的还是Rosie Thomas一贯的清新温暖的民谣风格。不能说这首歌有多特别或者好听,我只能说这张里的Rosie Thomas非常真诚,一如成名之前那般默默无闻地唱着让自己快乐的歌。也许对她来说,这不会是一首重要的歌,但也许仅仅是想到这个亲切而温暖的名字。

If I find him ...if i just follow
Would he hold me and never let me go
Would he let me borrow his old winter coat
I don't know
I don't know
If I see her standing there alone
At the train station three stops from her home
I have half a mind to say what I'm thinking anyway
I don't know
I don't know
There's airplane in the sky
With a banner right behind
Loneliness is just a crime
Look each other in the eye
And say hello
Oh oh oh oh
And say hello
Oh oh oh oh oh
Hey there, how you doing?
Hi, my name's Mary!