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官网网址: http://www.academypublisher.com/jnw/ jnw
期刊名称:Journal of Networks
Journal of Networks (JNW, ISSN 1796-2056) is a scholarly peer-reviewed international scientific journal published monthly, focusing on theories, methods, and applications in networks. It provide a high profile, leading edge forum for academic researchers, industrial professionals, engineers, consultants, managers, educators and policy makers working in the field to contribute and disseminate innovative new work on networks.
JNW reflects the multidisciplinary nature of communications networks. It is committed to the timely publication of high-quality papers that advance the state-of-the-art and practical applications of communication networks. Both theoretical research contributions (presenting new techniques, concepts, or analyses) and applied contributions (reporting on experiences and experiments with actual systems) and tutorial expositions of permanent reference value are published
期刊名称:Journal of Multimedia
Journal of Multimedia (JMM, ISSN 1796-2048)
is a scholarly peer-reviewed international scientific journal published bimonthly, focusing on theories, methods, algorithms, and applications in multimedia. It provide a high profile, leading edge forum for academic researchers, industrial professionals, engineers, consultants, managers, educators and policy makers working in the field to contribute and disseminate innovative new work on multimedia.
JMM covers the breadth of research in multimedia technology and applications. JMM invites original, previously unpublished, research, survey and tutorial papers, plus case studies and short research notes, on both applied and theoretical aspects of multimedia
Journal of Networks (JNW,ISSN: 1796-2056, EI)Journal of Multimedia (JMM,ISSN 1796-2048, EI)Journal of Computers (JCP,ISSN: 1796-203X, EI)Journal of Software (JCW,ISSN: 1796-217X, EI) JNW主要是计算机、网络,通信,信号处理、软件JMM主要收多媒体,图像,视频,音频及信息处理的。另有国内核心、CSSCI提供发表咨询。