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IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧1楼2013-07-09 11:05回复

    2楼2013-07-09 14:31
      actually i am unhappy…and i do not know why. maybe because every now day is repeating yesterday?
      i am negative about "future",cause i see few hope… sometimes it's just like that…one can not simply choose what he really want, due to various kinds of reasons.
      nothing special happened, and in this particular period, i feel lonely.
      maybe dad is right,you have friends only when you have some kind of "value"
      interpersonal relationship is becoming more and more complicated. i gain rare "true" friends in the university.
      i always feel that some others are "wacthing" me,….
      but i know that i have never posed.
      they can take nothing from me
      but i feel tried now… or just today.
      try to be more optimistic,dude~\(≥▽≤)/~

      IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧3楼2013-07-09 23:51
        a mixed blessing- liu failed in the teacher'examination. i cannot say its a bad news or not. because you never know what will happen next. maybe God just prepared a window for her, so he closed the,door. wish good things will follow.
        i found it almost a typical character of our generation that we donot know where is our future. or we never thought enough about it.
        well, time will solve all problems, what i should do now is, keep going, and wait for the oppotunity.
        yeah, we are living in a hard time, but there still hope.♥

        IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧4楼2013-07-10 21:42
          i forgot to write something down yesterday. poor memory!
          actually i am ill, but how can i be healthy in such a poor condition.
          i went to see the doctor alone, it hurts. i hadnot supposed liu to be such a cold persin. but i have no right to blame anyone and i need to manage all my business by myself.
          and it costef a lot of money, more than 100! i never want to be ill again, i just cannot pay for it.
          anyway, health is the most important thing.Q_Q

          IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧5楼2013-07-12 08:05
            hot hot soooooo hot!!!!
            that is,all i want to say.Q_Q
            my family called me yesterday,and undoubtedly family is the best thing of this world!
            donot want to study these days…oh,no, you need hurry up…
            em…my dairy is shorter and shorter…
            actually i want to write something,but i have no computer.
            wish the insects won't come in again tonight.
            and that's all. ~\(≥▽≤)/~

            IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧6楼2013-07-13 08:11
              lazy lazy lazy i am so lazy
              i should change my attitude! no, i need to change it.
              do you really long for success?
              just try your best to make it!!
              you can look around, everyone is working so hard!
              put your whole heart into study when you are studying! tell leisure time from studiy time!
              stop thinking too much rubbish. keep forwarding!
              with such an attitute,if you fail, you deserve it.
              i believe you can. change from tomorrow♥

              IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧7楼2013-07-14 23:38
                i found that i cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time… it is probably due to my dependence on the mobile phone and Internet.
                nowadays i am trying to do some small pieces of work through weibo and wechat. Hope that would be useful! yeah, it is useful unless i can stick to It, right?
                come on come on, donot waste too much time, maybe you need a specific plan or something?
                yeah,yeah, frist of all, you need to decide which university is your target, and then can you try your best tomake it.
                ah,and i saw the teaser of music vedio of WOLF yesterday, lu is handsome and beautiful, emm ,i mean he is beautiful compared to the heroin. XD

                IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧8楼2013-07-16 11:14
                  i learned a sentence today, most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be. it is by Abraham Lincoln...
                  but i am unhappy ... yes, you donnt have the right to complain.
                  care about you own stuff, that is enough. i donot want to be a mean girl, but the fact is, i am hurted.
                  yeah,maybe it is a truth that everyone is going to be exactly the sort of person you hated.

                  IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧9楼2013-07-17 18:13
                    i am so negative , i will die.

                    IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧10楼2013-07-19 11:19
                      只看了第一篇,看懂了= =后面的...因为全是英文,so...

                      11楼2013-07-25 21:32

                        12楼2013-07-30 13:05

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