Happiness, is going through Red, grown up into steel, after years of circulation, the flowers and the two sides are still very leisurely. Own Buddha's heart, has become a landscape.幸福,是历尽红尘,淬炼成钢,经年流转,繁花两岸仍气定神闲。自有佛心,已成山水。
Original and text slightest child is never happy, happy like the fun of their children, wandering into the sky, wandering into the sky still refused to come back.原来和文字沾上边的孩子从来都是不快乐的,他们的快乐象贪玩的小孩,游荡到天光,游荡到天光却还不肯回来。
There may be various obstacles that I cannot steer clear of on my future road , but I will just persevere in doing what I believe。n在我前进的道路上, 可能会有各种各样不可避免的障碍, 但是我将会坚持做我相信的事情。
Don't trust too much, don't hope too much, and don't love too much, because that doing TOO MUCH can could hurt you SO MUCH. 不要信得太多,不要期望太高,不要爱得太深,因为太多意味着你会伤的很深。
Jiyi meet separation heartless, willing to One year Wing dependency; moments of beauty, wedding day a dream is willing Xiangxie day and night.既已相遇,何忍分离,愿年年岁岁永相依;良辰美景,佳期如梦,愿朝朝暮暮相携。
I have to give up the emotional shackles, I insist on the emotions of loyalty and enthusiasm, I spend and love, even though pieces also eternal.我所放弃的是对情感的桎梏,我所坚持的是对情感的忠贞和热忱,我所选择的是与真爱相守,纵然粉身碎骨,亦为之永恒。
Rustic grace and avant-garde, industrious and agile mind, kindness, love and hate, distance and time and turned it into ashes, you retain the softest place in my heart.质朴而风姿前卫,勤劳而头脑敏捷,善良而爱憎分明,距离和时间都化成了灰烬,在心底最柔软的地方保留着你。
You make the first time I learned that long for the taste of the first to understand the heart and soul of the commotion and joyous ...你使我第一次懂得了思恋的滋味,第一次懂得了全身心的骚动和欢娱……
I love you!If one day, I turned into a NB74F loess, loess on the spring grass grow is for you and the green, the flowers out of the loess Yan you.我爱你!如果有一天,我化作一NB74F黄土,这黄土上长出的春草也是为你而绿,这黄土上开出的花朵也是为你而艳。