——“I am a timelord ,the last timelord.(我是个时间领主,最后的时间领主)” ——“Doctor’s always lonely,so lonely.(博士总是孤独,如此的孤独。)” ——“Rose Tyler,I…(罗斯泰勒,我…)” ——“yeah,doctor,the man who never use weapon,yet has changed his companion into the weapons(是的,博士,那个永远不用武器的男人,却把自己的同伴变成了武器).” ——“No,no,never,Donna can never remember me,or she will die.(不,不,绝不,多娜决不能记起我,否则,她会死。)” ——“Certain moments in time are fixed. Everything else is in flux, anything can happen, but those certain moments, they have to stand. This base, on Mars,with you, Adelaide Brooke, this is one vital moment.( 时间中的某些点是定好的 ,其他一切都可以变动,而这些特定的时刻,必须保持原样 ,这个火星基地和你,此刻就属于不能变动的关键时刻) ” ——“I'm not just a Time Lord, I'm the Last of the Time Lords. They'll never come back, not now. I've got a TARDIS. Same old life, last of the Time Lords.And they died, took it all with them. The walls or reality closed, the worlds were sealed,gone forever. The Time Lords kept their eye on everything. It's gone now.But they died, the Time Lords! All of them, they died. I'm the last of the Time Lords. …… ”( 我不仅是个时间领主,我还是最后的时间领主。他们都绝不会再回来了,不是现在。我盗走了一台塌底驶。和我,最后的时间领主同样古老的生命。他们则死了,带着所有的塌底驶离开了。阻隔或现实是封闭的,这个世界曾经被拯救,永远地运行下去。时间领主们曾经注视着世间万物。世界现在仍然运行,他们却死了。我是最后的时间领主…) ——“ Yes, because there are laws, there are Laws of Time. Once upon a time there were people in charge of those laws, but they died. They all died. Do you know who that leaves? Me!”( 是的,因为那是守则,那是时间的守则曾经有人掌管着这些守则,但是他们已经死了。他们都死了,你知道谁留下了吗?只有我!) ——“ I don't care who you are. The Time Lord Victorious is wrong.(我不想管你是谁,反正时间领主的胜利是错误的。) ” “啊——”绅士突然间从梦中惊醒,他不知道自己睡了多久、睡得多沉,他只知道,在梦里,自己是那样的强大,却也是那样的孤独,害怕得到什么,也害怕失去什么。他转念一想,可是约翰史密斯绅士是个风流浪子,总是不愁没有人陪在身旁。他和梦中的自己完全是两个极端。 他轻轻拍了拍自己漂亮的额头,笑了笑,“要是我真是如此,还不如死了算了。”