rumor v.谣传;传说 n.谣言;传闻
She can then maneuver the 3-D image on the computer sreen to map the shortest,least invasive surgical path to the tumor(肿瘤).
这样,她能够在计算机屏幕上操作三维图像,标记出最短的、伤害最少的肿瘤手术路径。 【联想记单词】
联想:电影《流言蜚语》Rumor Has It
-2012 is the end of the world! -I'd rather believe it is just a rumor! -2012是世界末日! -我宁愿相信这只是谣言!
She can then maneuver the 3-D image on the computer sreen to map the shortest,least invasive surgical path to the tumor(肿瘤).
这样,她能够在计算机屏幕上操作三维图像,标记出最短的、伤害最少的肿瘤手术路径。 【联想记单词】
联想:电影《流言蜚语》Rumor Has It
-2012 is the end of the world! -I'd rather believe it is just a rumor! -2012是世界末日! -我宁愿相信这只是谣言!