AK-47 - I don't even want to talk about that gun. INSAS - A licensed copy of the FAL; More crude, but much better than the AK. M16 - Doens't even compare to the others (in a good way). ------------------------------------------------------------------- AK:靠,我根本不想谈那烂枪! INSAS:FAL的授权仿制版,虽然更粗糙,但是比AK要好得多! M16:和AK和INSAS完全不能比
Pro's of QBZ-95 Bullpup design, 5.8 mm ammo is said to be superior to 5.56 and 5.45. Up to debate but a larger bullet is always a good thing. Rate of fire, and option full auto etc, Weight, larger 30 round mag Color Has a variant with a silencer Small size -------------------------------------------- 95的优点(对于这场辩论):无托设计,5.8mm因为口径比556和545大所以威力更大 射速高,可以全自动 轻 弹容大 有一个型号可以装消音器(说的是05微冲吧,普通95可以加消音器,没有什么变型的概念) 体积小
Cons, poor iron sight, not marksman best friend here Barrel length is shorter despite being a bullpup design, Interesting to note the QBZ-97(5.56 Nato variant) has a slightly longer barrel length. placement of the safety receiver. Complicated maintenance procedures (note from what I've gathered from people who own the rifle, While the design is modern its more complicated than the M-16?rifle experts may want to enlighten us on this.) The 5.8 mm ammo is said to have little difference from the 5.56 ammo and not even close the stoping power of 7.62 Warsaw or Nato. Not combat tested, no news is good news? not exactly, everything has problems, even AK-47's so why is there very little scrutiney on this rifle? CCP pride propaganda? The PLA special forces that trained with Russians were seen using a "new" design the QBZ-03? One can wonder why? Can not fire rifle grenades... issue in modern warfare? pending on army requirements? LMG varient has a heavy drum located at the rear, awkward place in a bullpup design. -------------------------------------------------------------- 垃圾的机械瞄准具,精确射手会很讨厌 枪管短,虽然是无托的(!),97式枪管倒长一点 维护步骤很复杂! 据说5.8和556差不多,停止力比762华沙或762北约差多了 没有实战 PLA都用03式了,95肯定被替代 轻机枪大弹鼓太重,不适合无托
Pros, Ironsight is pretty decent Has a variety of scopes and other sights that can be placed can fire rifled grenades has a sight for it as well Longer barrel than the M-4 yet same over length India 5.56 ammo is said to have 10% extra pressure than standard NATO rounds reliable Transparent mag accurate, no issue here. Works in Kargil, will work in all conditions. Combat proven Effective with a bayonet Quick reload time? Avalialbe UBGL with a button fire rather than trigger fire ------------------------------------------------------------- INSAS优点:瞄具相当不错 可以装各种光瞄和其他瞄具 可以发步榴弹 比M4枪管长但重量一样 印度5。56比北约5.56要强出10% 可靠 透明弹匣 准,绝对准 实战过,保证各种情况都可以适应 装弹快 可以装枪管下榴弹发射器,而且是按钮不是土不啦叽的扳机
Cons, too many unnecessary parts maintenance heavy compared to AK-47 heavy poor manufacturing quality 20 round MAG Known issues include cracking of polymer in cold conditions, said to be a maintenance issue. --------------------------------------------- 缺点:太多没用的部件 维护比AK难 重 生产质量不高 20发弹匣 高分子聚合物(保利模、塑料)会在冷天坏,维护方面有个问题