Excuse me if my head is too big for this building. Pardon me if I'm a cocky prick, but your cocks are slick.——Lighters(如果我太过狂妄自负,那真是不好意思。原谅我是个自负的混蛋,但你们也太爱装逼了。)
I'm just Marshall Mathers. I;m just a regular guy. I don't know why all the fuss about me.—— Marshall Mathers(我是Marshall Mathers。我只是个普通人,但实在搞不懂为毛有那么多闲言碎语、麻烦破事缠着我。)
People say that I'm a bad influence. I say the world's already fucked, I'm just adding to it.——Bad Influence(很多人说我把仇恨当嘻哈,对青少年和社会有公害。但我觉得吧,其实这个世界早就被操得不堪入目,我只是稍微推波助澜了一下。)
I can’t change the way I think, & I can’t change the way I am. But if I offended u? Good, cuz' I still don’t give a fuck. - Still Don't Give A Fuck(我变不了我的思考方式,也改不了行事之风格。你问若冒犯了你该怎么算?我说我TM完全不会鸟你。)