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IP属地:广东1楼2013-08-18 13:21回复
    据说不算分,但为了保险也得好好做呢评论|02009-05-13 21:20annezyy|一级每次都有加试的。但是,基本不会算分的。听力阅读随机选一项评论|赞同

    IP属地:广东2楼2013-08-18 13:24

      IP属地:广东4楼2013-08-18 13:27
        托福阅读经典加试: 达尔文进化论英文原文及答案 Observing Natural Selection Witnessing natural selection would not have seemed possible to Darwin because he assumed natural selection was too slow and gradual for our short-term minds to perceive. Yet later biologists have been able to witness flashes of evolutionary change. In the late 1980s, for example, biologist David Reznick began to use the guppies that swim in the streams of Trinidad forests in natural experiment. At lower elevations these guppies face the assault of predatory fishes, but the ones in higher waters live in peace because few of the predators can move upstream past the waterfalls and craggy rocks. Like all animals, guppies have a timetable for their lives - how long they take to reach sexual maturity how fast they grow during that time, how long they live as adults. Theoretical biologists have predicted that the life history of animals can evolve if mutations that alter it bring the animals more reproductive success. Reznick put their predictions to the test. In ponds with a lot of predators, guppies that grow fast should be more successful than slow-growing ones. With the threat of death hanging over a guppy, it will grow as quickly as possible so that it can start mating as soon as possible and have as many offspring as possible. Of course, the strategy comes with a heavy price. By growing so quickly, a guppy may shorten its own natural life span, and by quickly giving birth to babies, female guppy cannot take time to support her offspring with energy, which put them at risk of dying young. But Reznick reasoned, that the threat ,of an early death offset by other risk.. To see whether this trade-off was real, Reznick relocated guppies that were being terrorized in the downstream by putting them in pools with relatively few predators. Eleven years in these conditions produced guppies that were, on average, in less of a rush. They took 10 percent longer to mature than their ancestors and were over 10 percent heavier by the time they were fully grown. They were also laying smaller broods of eggs. but each of the new guppies that hatched from those was bigger

        IP属地:广东6楼2013-08-18 13:40
          苏美尔文明英文原文及答案 Sumerian Civilization It is an astonishing fact that human civilization should have emerged into the light of history in two separate places at just about the same time. Between 3500 and 3000 B.C. when Egypt was being united under pharaonic rule other great civilization arose in Mesopotamia the “land between the rivers.” And for close to three thousand years, the two rival centers retained their distinct characters, even though they had contact with each other from their earliest beginnings, and their destinies were interwoven in many ways. The pressure that forced the inhabitants of both regions to abandon the pattern of Neolithic village life may well have been the same. But the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, unlike that of the Nile, is not a narrow fertile strip protected by desert on either side. It resembles a wide, shallow trough with few natural defenses, crisscrossed by two great rivers and their tributaries, and is easily encroached upon from any direction. Thus the facts of geography tended to discourage the idea of uniting the entire Mesopotamian area under a single head. Rulers who had this ambition did not appear, so far as we know, until about one thousand years after the beginning of Mesopotamian civilization, and they succeeded in carrying it out only for brief periods and at the cost of almost continuous warfare. As a consequence, the political history of ancient Mesopotamia has no underlying theme of the
          sort that divine kingship provides for Egypt. Local rivalries foreign incursions, the sudden upsurge and equally sudden collapse of military power–those are its substance. Against such a disturbed background, the continuity of cultural and artistic traditions seems all the more remarkable. This common heritage is very largely the creation of the founders of Mesopotamian Civilization, whom we call Sumerians after the region of Sumer, which they inhabited, near the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates. The origin of the Sumerians remains obscure. Their language is unrelated to any other known tongue. Sometimes before 4,000 B.C. they came to southern Mesopotamia, from Persia, and there, within the next thousand years, they founded a number of city-states and developed their distinctive form of writing in cuneiform (wedge-shaped) characters on clay tablets. nUnfortunately, the tangible remains of Sumerian civilization are extremely scanty compared to those of ancient Egypt. nBuilding stone being unavailable in Mesopotamia, the Sumerians used mud brick and wood, so that almost nothing is left of their architecture except the foundation. nNor did they share the Egyptians' concern with the hereafter, although some richly endowed tombs in the shape of vaulted chambers below ground from the early dynastic period have been found in the city of Ur. nOur knowledge of Sumerian Civilization thus depends very largely on chance fragments brought to light by excavation, including vast numbers of inscribed clay tablets. Yet we have learned enough to form a general picture of this vigorous, inventive, and disciplined people. Each Sumerian city-state had its own local god, who was regarded as its king and owner. It also had a human ruler, the steward of the divine sovereign, who led the people in serving the deity. The local god, in return, was expected to plead the cause of his subjects among his fellow deities who controlled the forces of nature such as wind and weather, water, fertility, and the heavenly bodies. Nor was the idea of divine ownership treated as a mere pious fiction. The god was quite literally believed to own not only the territory of the city-state but also the labor power of the population and its products. All these were subject to his commands, transmitted to the people by his human steward. The result was an economic system that has been dubbed “theocratic socialism”, a planned society whose administrative center was the temple. The temple controlled the pooling of labor and resources for communal enterprises, such as the building of dikes or irrigation ditches, and it collected and distributed a considerable part of the harvest. All this required the keeping of detailed written records. Hence, we need not be surprised to find that the texts of early Sumerian inscriptions deal very largely with economic and administrative rather than religious matters, although writing was a priestly privilege. 中文大意: 主要在讲苏美文明civilization 还和埃及比较了一下。
          二个文明同时出现在不同的地区,十分令人惊讶astonishing(词汇题)。 一是法老统治的埃及;一是苏美(二河流域)。二者有交流,但各自保有各自的特色。(句子同义改写) 在地理条件方面,埃及有沙漠屏障,而两河流域四面受敌,因此两河流域很难被统一。 两河文明发迹后,曾短暂的统一,不过结果是外患内战,突然掘起、突然衰败的军事力量,成为两河文明的本质(指代题)。不过如此纷乱的背景,反而衬托出他们非凡的文化及艺术传统。 苏美文明的起源仍然不明obscure(词汇题),和埃及相比,留下的遗迹也很少。因为缺少石头,所以他们建筑使用泥砖和木头。虽然在Ur有发现一些墓穴,不过他们不像埃及人这么重视来世(题目)。我们对苏美文明的了解来自偶然挖出的大量vast(词汇题)泥板。 苏美各国城邦都有不同的god和human ruler。human ruler带领人们进行祭神的活动。god不仅呼风唤雨,对土地有所有权,而且能够分配人力及资源。庙宇是管理的中心,可以集中、分配很多的 considerable(词汇题)作物,这些都需要详细的记录,所以,虽然书写是神职人员的特权,但大多数的记录都和管理及经济有关,反而不是记录宗教 的事务。

          IP属地:广东9楼2013-08-18 13:46