栏目简介:《English Talking Radio》是校园之声唯一一档英语节目。栏目关注四六级,关注学校内外的英语资讯。内容包罗英语世界的万象万物,在这里你可以说英语,可以听英语,可以聊英语。News Report ,Word Study, Hot point ,CET46 Special 还有最新的节目形式--脱口秀,用英语聊聊我们的生活,没准你就是汽院的奥普拉。
English Talking Radio is a special program in our radio station .We focus on all the English news ,especially the cet 4&6 . We talk about the school life in English , and we share the world news with you.We have many parts ,including News Report ,Word Study, Hot point , CET4&6 Special and we have a new style ,the talk show !You can speak English here, listen the lastest English songs here and talk in English here !
We need your pasion and your creativity ! Remember our slogan : keep curiousty and keep learning !
Come on baby , we want you !