-You know when grown-up tell you everything’s going to be fine and you think they’re probably lying to make you fell better? -Yes.-Everything’s going to be fine.(by5*1)
Because you’re not the first lot to come here.Oh,there have been so many!And what you’ve got to ask is what happened to them?Hello I’m the doctor.Basically run!(by 5*1)
Look,three options.One,I let the Star Whale continue in unendurable agony for hundreds more years.Two,I kill everyone on this ship.Three,I murder a beautiful,innocent creature as painlessly as I can. And then I find a new name,cos I won’t be the Doctor any more.(by 5*2)
You are my enemy!And I am yours!You are everything I despise!The worst thing in all creation.I’ve defeated you time and time again,I’ve defeated you.I sent you back into the void!I saved the whole of reality from you!I AM THE DOCTOR!AND YOU ARE THE DALEKS!(by5*3)
Now that’s interesting.You’re still here.Which part of”Wait in the TARDIS till I tell you it’s safe.”was so confusing?(by5*4)
A weeping Angel,Amy,is the deadliest,most powerful,most malevolent life from evolution has ever produced,and one is trapped inside that wreckage and I’m supposed to climb in with a screwdriver and torch,and assuming I survive the radiation,and the whole ship doesn’t blow up in my face,do something clever which I haven’t thought of yet.That’s my day,that’s what I’up to.Any questions?(by5*4)
There’s one thing you never put in a trap,if you’re smart,if you value your continued existence,if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow,there is one thing you never,ever put in a trap.Me!(by5*4)
Rory!That’s a relief.I thought I’d brust out of the wrong cake.Again.That reminds me,there’s a girl outside in a bikini.Could someone let her in,give her a jumper?Lucy.Lovely girl.Diabetic.Now,then,Rory.We need to talk about your fiancee.She tried to kiss me.Tell,you what,though.You’re lucky man she’s a great kisser.Funny how you can say something in your head and it sounds fine.(by5*6)
There are fixed points through time,where things must always stay the way they are.This is not one of them.This is an opportunity,a temporal tipping point.Whatever happens today,will change future events,create its own timeline,its own reality.The future pivots around you.Here.Now.So do good.For humanity,and for Earth.(by5*9)
Right.You in here somewhere?I can’t apologetic enough.I thought you were just a useless gadget.I thought you were just an embarrassing present from a dull godmother with two heads and bad breath.Twice.How wrong can a man be?(by5*10)
Sorry,sorry,dropped it.Hello,Stonehenge!Who takes the Pandorica,takes the universe.But bad news,everyone......Cos guess who?!Ha!Listen,you lot,you’re all whizzing about,it’s really very distracting.Could you all just stay a minute?Because I AM TALKING!The question of the hour is,who’s got the Pandorica?Answer-I do.Next question,who’s coming to take it from me?Come on!Look at me,no plan,no backup,no weapons worth a damn.Oh,and something else,I don’t have anything to loose.So if you’re sitting up there in your silly little spaceship,with all your silly little guns,and you’ve got any plans on taking the Pandorica,tonight,just remember who’s standing in your way.Remember every black day I ever stopped you.And then,and then,do the smart thing.Let somebody else try first.(by5*12)
I’ve been running faster than I’ve ever run,and I’ve running my whole life.Now it’s time for me to stop.And tonight I’m going to need you all with me.(by6*1)
As long as there’s been something in the corner of your eye,or creaking in your house,or breathing under your bed,or voices through a wall.They’ve been running your lives for a very long time now,so keep this straight in your head.We are not fighting an alien invasion.we’re leading a revolution.And today the battle begins.(by6*2)